共 28 个单词
新闻基本词汇1000个相关的的单词有【severance pay】【emancipated】【flak jacket】【get tough】【gilt-edged】【swear in】【gypsy moth】【pep rally】【Oval Office】【hangdog】【electoral college】【eventuate】【pother】【derange】【green light】【bedeck】【bad mouth】【cover charge】【lame duck】【grass roots】【shuttle diplomacy】【freestanding】【confute】【jocund】【foul up】【high seas】【hardline】【inextricable】等。
flak jacketn.防弹衣; 变形 复数:flak jackets 英英释义 Flak jacket[two components of an obsolete British military flak v...
详细解释gilt-edgedadj.金边的,最上等的;英英释义 gilt-edged[ 'ilt'edd ]adj.of the highest quality or value"gilt-edged securities...
详细解释gypsy moth释义舞毒蛾;英英释义 gypsy moth n.European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees同...
详细解释pep rally释义赛前动员会; 变形 复数:pep rallies 英英释义 pep rally n.a rally (especially of students) before a game
详细解释Oval Office释义美国总统办公室;英英释义 Oval Office n.the office of the President of the United States in the White Hous...
详细解释hangdogadj.(表情)羞愧的,鬼鬼祟祟的;英英释义 hangdog[ 'hd ]adj.showing a sense of guilt"the hangdog and shamefaced ai...
详细解释electoral collegen.选举团(各州选出总统与副总统的选举);英英释义 electoral college n.the body of electors who formally ...
详细解释eventuatevi.结果,归结; 变形 过去式:eventuated过去分词:eventuated现在分词:eventuating第三人称单数:eventuates 英英释...
详细解释derangevt.使精神错乱,打乱;英英释义 derange[ di'reind ]v.derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane同义...
详细解释green lightn.绿灯,放行,准许;英英释义 green light n.a signal to proceed同义词:go-aheadpermission to proceed with a pr...
详细解释bad mouthv.抨击,诽谤;不听从使唤;英英释义 bad mouth v.speak unfavorably about同义词:badmouthmaligntraducedrag through...
详细解释cover chargen.(饭店等的)服务费; 变形 复数:cover charges 英英释义 cover charge n.a fixed charge by a restaurant or ni...
详细解释lame duckn.无用的人,投机者;释义落选的议员; 变形 复数:lame ducks 英英释义 lame duck elected official still in of...
详细解释grass rootsn.农业区,基层,基础;英英释义 grass roots n.the essential foundation or sourcethe common people at a local l...
详细解释shuttle diplomacyn.穿梭外交;英英释义 shuttle diplomacy negotiations conducted by a mediator who frequen...
详细解释freestandingadj.(家具或设备)独立式的;英英释义 freestanding[ 'fri:'stndi ]adj.standing apart; not attached to or suppo...
详细解释confutevt.驳斥,驳倒; 变形 过去式:confuted过去分词:confuted现在分词:confuting第三人称单数:confutes 英英释义 confute...
详细解释jocundadj.欢乐的,愉快的;英英释义 jocund[ 'dknd ]adj.full of or showing high-spirited merriment"a poet could not but be...
详细解释foul up释义弄脏;弄糟;犯错;缠住英英释义 foul up embarrassing mistake同义词:blunderblooperbloomerbunglepratfallfo...
详细解释high seas释义远海;公海;英英释义 high sea n.the open seas of the world outside the territorial waters of any nation同义...
详细解释hardlinen.强硬路线;adj.强硬的;不妥协的;英英释义 hardline[ ,ha:d'lain ]adj.firm and uncompromising同义词:hard-line
详细解释inextricableadj.无法摆脱的,解不开的;adv.无法摆脱地,解不开地;英英释义 inextricable[ in'ekstrikbl ]adj.not permitting ...