共 245 个单词
新闻英语1000个基础词相关的的单词有【severance pay】【rabble rouser】【red-tape】【emancipated】【repost】【flak jacket】【gerontocracy】【geocide】【get tough】【gilt-edged】【epistolary】【hyperaggressive】【public works】【gypsy moth】【floating vote】【interpellate】【hustings】【pep rally】【infidel】【Oval Office】【hangdog】【electoral college】【eventuate】【standout】【perversity】【shake up】【caucus】【sortie】【pother】【loggerhead】【hellbent】【retrofit】【knee jerk】【omnibus】【forswear】【statecraft】【derange】【stopgap】【infernal】【retrench】等。
rabble rousern.煽动暴民者,蛊惑人心的政客;英英释义 rabble rouser orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices...
详细解释red-tapeadj.官样文章的,繁文缛节的;虚文褥节;英英释义 red-tapen.needlessly time-consuming procedure同义词:bureaucratic...
详细解释flak jacketn.防弹衣; 变形 复数:flak jackets 英英释义 Flak jacket[two components of an obsolete British military flak v...
详细解释gerontocracyn.老人统治,老人政治,老人政府; 变形 复数:gerontocracies 英英释义 gerontocracy[ ,dern'tkrsi ]n.a political...
详细解释gilt-edgedadj.金边的,最上等的;英英释义 gilt-edged[ 'ilt'edd ]adj.of the highest quality or value"gilt-edged securities...
详细解释epistolaryadj.书信的,书信体的,用书信的;英英释义 epistolary[ i'pistlri ]adj.written in the form of or carried on by le...
详细解释public worksn.公共建设工程;英英释义 public works n.structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks) constru...
详细解释gypsy moth释义舞毒蛾;英英释义 gypsy moth n.European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees同...
详细解释interpellatevt.(议员在议会中就政府的行为或政策提出)质问,质询; 变形 过去式:interpellated过去分词:interpellated现在分...
详细解释hustingsn.竞选活动;英英释义 hustings[ 'hstiz ]n.the activities involved in political campaigning (especially speech mak...
详细解释pep rally释义赛前动员会; 变形 复数:pep rallies 英英释义 pep rally n.a rally (especially of students) before a game
详细解释infideln.不信宗教的(人),异教徒; 变形 复数:infidels 英英释义 infidel[ 'infidl ]n.a person who does not acknowledge y...
详细解释Oval Office释义美国总统办公室;英英释义 Oval Office n.the office of the President of the United States in the White Hous...
详细解释hangdogadj.(表情)羞愧的,鬼鬼祟祟的;英英释义 hangdog[ 'hd ]adj.showing a sense of guilt"the hangdog and shamefaced ai...
详细解释electoral collegen.选举团(各州选出总统与副总统的选举);英英释义 electoral college n.the body of electors who formally ...
详细解释eventuatevi.结果,归结; 变形 过去式:eventuated过去分词:eventuated现在分词:eventuating第三人称单数:eventuates 英英释...
详细解释perversityn.乖僻;倔强;任性;刚愎英英释义 perversity[ p'v:siti ]n.deliberate and stubborn unruliness and resistance to ...
详细解释shake up释义摇匀;以摇动弄好;使战栗;吃惊英英释义 shake up n.the imposition of a new organization; organizing different...
详细解释loggerheadn.傻子,(溶解柏油或加热液体用的)铁球棒;英英释义 loggerhead[ 'lhed, 'l:- ]n.these words are used to express ...
详细解释knee jerkn.膝反射;膝跳;英英释义 knee jerk n.a reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar t...
详细解释statecraftn.管理国家的本领;经纶;英英释义 statecraft[ 'steitkr:ft, -,krft ]n.wisdom in the management of public affairs...
详细解释derangevt.使精神错乱,打乱;英英释义 derange[ di'reind ]v.derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane同义...
详细解释stopgapn.临时替代者,临时应急措施; 变形 复数:stopgaps 英英释义 stopgap[ 'stpp ]n.something contrived to meet an urgent...
详细解释infernaladj.地狱的;阴间的;地狱似的;可恨的英英释义 infernal[ in'f:nl ] inhabitant of hell"his roar made the infern...