共 31 个单词
日常生活中的常用短语相关的的单词有【be compared to】【creep up】【don't mention it】【fine print】【just the thing】【entrance fee】【go hand in hand】【make a hit】【as likely as not】【hour after hour】【without so much as】【resistant to】【stuff with】【in the habit of】【sell oneself】【beg off】【trace back to】【take to heart】【one way or another】【interpersonal relationship】【concern with】【in someone's presence】【be in charge】【no sooner】【suitable to】【behind the scenes】【To a certain extent】【keep it up】【be on a diet】【find fault】【out of question】等。
fine printn.极小的字体,(契约中)难懂的条文;英英释义 fine print n.the part of a contract that contains reservations an...
详细解释entrance fee释义入场费; 变形 复数:entrance fees 英英释义 entrance fee [ 'entrns ]n.the fee charged for admission同义词...
详细解释beg off释义恳求免除(责任、责罚等);英英释义 beg off v.ask for permission to be released from an engagement同义词:excu...
详细解释take to heart释义对…想不开,为…伤心[烦恼等];在乎;在意;介英英释义 take to heart v.get down to; pay attention to; tak...
详细解释one way or another释义不管怎样;英英释义 One Way or Another"One Way or Another"is a song by Blondie以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释interpersonal relationship释义人际关系;英英释义 Interpersonal relationshipAn interpersonal relationship is a strong, de...
详细解释behind the scenesadv.在后台,在幕后;英英释义 behind the scenes adj.designed and carried out secretly or confidentially同...
详细解释find faultv.挑剔;挑毛病;找茬儿;挑错英英释义 find fault v.harass with constant criticism同义词:blamepick