共 24 个单词
朗文Elect-3A单词相关的的单词有【buffet lunch】【chinese chess】【chicken wings】【non-stop】【sweet shop】【ball game】【open day】【a bar of】【salad dressing】【sun cream】【a packet of】【a cup of】【sports day】【a bottle of】【every day】【a can of】【one thousand】【afternoon tea】【opening hours】【a slice of】【lemon tea】【roast chicken】【book shop】【free time】等。
chicken wings释义鸡翅膀;英英释义 Chicken WingsChicken Wings is an aviation related comic series that is published as a ...
详细解释non-stopadj.& adv.不停的(地),不断的(地);英英释义 non-stop[ 'nn'stp ]n.a flight made without intermediate stops bet...
详细解释sweet shopn.糖果店; 变形 复数:sweet shops 英英释义 Sweet ShopSweet Shop is a limited edition compilation of rare and u...
详细解释ball gamen.球类运动;棒球;情况;局面 变形 复数:ball games 英英释义 ball game n.a field game played with a ball (especi...
详细解释salad dressingn.生菜食品的调味汁,色拉味调料; 变形 复数:salad dressings 英英释义 salad dressing n.savory dressings for...
详细解释sports dayn.(学校的)运动日; 变形 复数:sports days 英英释义 Sports daySports days, sometimes referred to as field day...
详细解释every day释义每天;日;天天;逐日英英释义 every day adj.occurring or done each day同义词:dailyday-to-dayday-after-dayad...
详细解释one thousand释义[医]一千;英英释义 one thousand n.the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100同义词:thousand1...
详细解释afternoon tea释义下午茶(4-5点钟); 变形 复数:afternoon teas 英英释义 afternoon tea n.a light midafternoon meal of tea a...
详细解释book shop释义书店;英英释义 book shop n.a shop where books are sold同义词:bookshopbookstorebookstall