共 216 个单词
serrationn.锯齿状,锯齿状突起;英英释义 serration[ s'rein ]n.the condition of being serrated"the serrations of a city sk...
详细解释centeringn.置于中心,定中心;v.集中( center的现在分词 );使聚集在一点;定中心;居中英英释义 centering[ 'sentri ]n.the co...
详细解释machinabilityn.机械加工性,切削性;可切削性;英英释义 MachinabilityThe term machinability refers to the ease with which ...
详细解释magnaliumn.镁铝;英英释义 MagnaliumMagnalium is an aluminium alloy with 1.5 to 2% magnesium and small amounts of copper,...
详细解释aeratorn.通风装置;英英释义 aerator[ 'eireit ]n.an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage)
详细解释decarburizationn.脱碳;英英释义 DecarburizationDecarburization (or decarbonization) is the process opposite to carburiza...
详细解释rackern.行拷刑者,使人痛苦者;装弹簧工;英英释义 rackern.an attendant who puts pool or billiard balls into a rack
详细解释racewayn.水沟,(赛车用的)跑道;英英释义 racewayn.a canal for a current of water同义词:racea course over which races a...
详细解释phthalaten.邻苯二甲酸盐[酯],酞酸盐[酯];英英释义 PhthalateGeneral chemical structure of phthalates. (R and R' are gener...
详细解释sphericadj.球的,球状的;英英释义 spheric[ 'sferik ]adj.having the shape of a sphere or ball"a spherical object"同义词:...
详细解释demagnetizationn.除去磁性,退磁;散凝作用;消磁;英英释义 demagnetization[ 'di:,mnitai'zein, -ti'z- ]n.the process of re...
详细解释rattlern.嘎声,喋喋不休者,绝顶典型; 变形 复数:rattlers 英英释义 rattler[ 'rtl ]n.pit viper with horny segments at the...
详细解释platenn.压盘,滚筒;压纸卷筒;台板;压板英英释义 platen[ 'pltn ]n.work table of a machine toolthe flat plate of a printi...
详细解释Dept释义(书写形式)部,部门,系;英英释义 DEPTDirected Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (DEPT) uses enzymes artificially introduc...
详细解释melaminen.三聚氰胺;英英释义 melamine[ 'melmi:n, ,mel'mi:n ]n.a white crystalline organic base; used mainly in making me...
详细解释pneuman.元气,精神,灵魂; 变形 复数:pneumas 英英释义 PneumaPneuma is an album by American violinist and composer Micha...
详细解释eisaabbr.Elizabeth 伊丽莎白;英英释义 Eisais a form of folk dance originating from the Okinawa Islands, Japan. In origin...
详细解释galvanometern.检流计;电流表;英英释义 galvanometer[ ,lv'nmit ]n.meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small ele...
详细解释titratorn.滴定器,滴定仪;英英释义 titrator[ 'taitreit, 'ti- ]n.an apparatus for performing a titration
详细解释diametraladj.直径的;英英释义 diametral[ dai'mitrl ]adj.related to or along a diameter"the diametral plane"同义词:diame...
详细解释microanalysisn.微量分析; 变形 复数:microanalyses 英英释义 MicroanalysisMicroanalysis is the chemical identification an...
详细解释reheatingn.重新加热;v.把…再加热( reheat的现在分词 );英英释义 reheat[ ri:'hi:ti ]v.heat again"Please reheat the food f...