共 189 个单词
servitorn.仆人,随从;英英释义 servitor[ 's:vit ]n.someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else
详细解释shavingsn.(刨削下来的)薄片,刨花;刨片,削片( shaving的名词复数);英英释义 shaving[ 'eiviz ]n.the act of removing hair...
详细解释palfreyn.骑用的马,妇女骑用的小马; 变形 复数:palfreys 英英释义 palfrey[ 'p:lfri ]n.especially a light saddle horse for...
详细解释palisaden.(用尖桩做的)栅栏;vt.用栅栏围绕; 变形 复数:palisades 英英释义 palisade[ ,pli'seid ]n.fortification consist...
详细解释cauln.胎膜,大网膜;英英释义 CaulA caul is a historical headress worn by women that covers tied-up hair. A fancy caul co...
详细解释dandlevt.(在膝上或怀里)颠动(孩子等);英英释义 dandle[ 'dndl ]v.move (a baby) up and down in one's arms or on one's k...
详细解释maidenlyadj.处女般的,适合于少女的,柔和的;英英释义 maidenly[ 'meidnli ]adj.befitting or characteristic of a maiden"a m...
详细解释maidenhoodn.处女性,处女时代;英英释义 maidenhood[ 'meidnhud ]n.the childhood of a girl同义词:girlhoodmaidhood
详细解释battlementn.城垛;英英释义 battlement[ 'btlmnt ]n.a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firin...
详细解释spearmann.枪兵; 变形 复数:spearmen 英英释义 SpearmanSpearman is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上...
详细解释mansen.牧师住宅; 变形 复数:manses 英英释义 manse[ mns ]n.a large and imposing house同义词:mansionmansion househallres...
详细解释belikeadv.恐怕,或许;英英释义 belike[ bi'laik ]adv.with considerable certainty; without much doubt同义词:probablylikel...
详细解释landwardadj.向陆的,近陆的;adv.向陆地;英英释义 landward[ 'lndwd ]adv.toward land"landward, miles of rough grass marshe...
详细解释lambskinn.小羊皮,羊皮纸;羔皮;英英释义 lambskin[ 'lmskin ]n.the skin of a lamb with the wool still onskin of a sheep o...
详细解释hempenadj.大麻制的,大麻的;英英释义 hempen[ 'hempn ]adj.having or resembling fibers especially fibers used in making co...
详细解释heraldicadj.纹章学的,纹章的,传令官的;英英释义 heraldic[ he'rldik ]adj.indicative of or announcing something to come"t...
详细解释oilskinn.油布(雨衣),防水布(衣);英英释义 oilskin[ 'ilskin ]n.a macintosh made from cotton fabric treated with oil a...
详细解释washerwomann.(旧时的)洗衣女工; 变形 复数:washerwomen 英英释义 washerwoman[ 'w,wumn, 'w:- ]n.a working woman who take...
详细解释underarmadj.手臂下的,腋下的;adv.(击球时)用低手; 变形 复数:underarms 英英释义 underarm[ 'ndr:m ]adj.with hand broug...
详细解释gladnessn.欢乐,喜悦,欢喜;英英释义 gladness[ 'gldnis ]n.experiencing joy and pleasure同义词:gladfulnessgladsomeness
详细解释armorern.兵器制造者,军械修护员; 变形 复数:armorers 英英释义 armorer[ ':mr ]n.a worker skilled in making armor or arms...
详细解释tunelessadj.声调不悦耳的;英英释义 tuneless[ 'tju:nlis ]adj.not having a musical sound or pleasing tune同义词:untuneful...
详细解释queenlyadj.女王的,威严的,慷慨的;英英释义 queenly[ 'kwi:nli ]adj.having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen...
详细解释NIabbr.Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜;英英释义 NIn.a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant to corrosion...
详细解释nitren.硝酸钾,硝石;英英释义 nitre[ 'nait ]n.(KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive同义词:potassium nitr...
详细解释goodwifen.女主人,女子的敬称; 变形 复数:goodwives 英英释义 GoodwifeGoodwife (Scots Guidwife), usually abbreviated Good...
详细解释lysabbr.lysine 赖氨酸;英英释义 LYSLYS is an acronym for Leading Yard Stick, formerly Liding Yard Stick. LYS is an empir...
详细解释maidservantn.(古时用语)女佣,女仆,侍女;婢;老妈子;英英释义 maidservant[ 'meid,s:vnt ]n.a female domestic同义词:mai...
详细解释unlacevt.解开带子; 变形 过去式:unlaced过去分词:unlaced现在分词:unlacing第三人称单数:unlaces 英英释义 unlace[ ,n'lei...
详细解释needfuln.必要的事物;钱;英英释义 needful[ 'ni:dful ]adj.necessary for relief or supply"provided them with all things ne...
详细解释codfishn.鳕; 变形 复数:codfishcodfishes 英英释义 codfish[ 'kd,fi ]n.lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food ...
详细解释breakwatern.防波堤; 变形 复数:breakwaters 英英释义 breakwater[ 'breik,w:t ]n.a protective structure of stone or concre...