共 18 个单词
杰夫的一天-A-day-in-the-life-of-Jeff相关的的单词有【automatic transmission】【bedtime story】【stop-and-go】【tupperware】【stick shift】【break room】【place mat】【bagger】【load up】【water cooler】【quitting time】【facecloth】【salad dressing】【to stall】【reality show】【thumb through】【parking garage】【bath towel】等。
automatic transmissionn.自动驾驶;英英释义 automatic transmission n.a transmission that automatically changes the gears ...
详细解释bedtime storyn.催眠故事,动听但不可信的叙述;英英释义 Bedtime Story"Bedtime Story"is a 1972 single written by Billy Sher...
详细解释tupperwaren.特百惠(达特工业公司Dart Industries Inc.的注册商标);英英释义 Tupperware$2,300.4 million (2010)以上来源于:W...
详细解释stick shift释义(汽车上的)变速杆操作方法; 变形 复数:stick shifts 英英释义 stick shift n.a transmission that is operat...
详细解释place matn.餐具垫子; 变形 复数:place mats 英英释义 place mat n.a mat serving as table linen for an individual place se...
详细解释baggern.装袋工,垒打;封袋机;杓斗;掘沟机英英释义 bagger[ 'b ]n.a workman employed to pack things into containers同义词...
详细解释load up释义(使)载满, (使)负重, (给…)装货;加负荷;英英释义 load up v.fill or place a load on同义词:loadladelad...
详细解释water coolern.水冷却器; 变形 复数:water coolers 英英释义 water cooler n.a device for cooling and dispensing drinking w...
详细解释salad dressingn.生菜食品的调味汁,色拉味调料; 变形 复数:salad dressings 英英释义 salad dressing n.savory dressings for...
详细解释bath toweln.浴巾; 变形 复数:bath towels 英英释义 bath towel n.a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath