共 21 个单词
cumquatn.金橘;英英释义 cumquat[ 'kmkwt ]n.any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella bearing small orange-c...
详细解释Bok-choy释义小白菜;英英释义 Bok-choyn.Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves...
详细解释daikonn.萝卜;英英释义 daikon[ 'daikn ]n.radish of Japan with a long hard durable root eaten raw or cooked同义词:radish...
详细解释heapingadj.堆得很高的,放得太多的;堆量;英英释义 heap[ 'hi:pi ]n.a collection of objects laid on top of each other同义词...
详细解释convolvulusn.旋花植物; 变形 复数:convolvuliconvolvuluses 英英释义 convolvulus[ kn'vlvjuls ]n.any of numerous plants of...
详细解释chiven.细洋葱;英英释义 chive[ taiv ]n.perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning同义词:chivescivesc...
详细解释cressn.水芹;水葑菜;英英释义 cress[ kres ]n.any of various plants of the family Cruciferae with edible leaves that have...
详细解释kiwifruit释义猕猴桃;英英释义 KiwifruitThe kiwifruit (usually kiwi fruit in British English), often shortened to kiwi in...
详细解释yuckyadj.令人讨厌的,难以下咽的;英英释义 yucky[ 'jki ]adj.highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust同义词:disgust...
详细解释mouth-wateringadj.令人垂涎的;非常好吃的;英英释义 mouth-watering[ 'mau'w:tri ]adj.pleasing to the sense of taste同义词:...
详细解释romaine中文拼写:罗曼名字含义:Roman的异体名字来源:拉丁语名字类别:女 英英释义 romaine[ ru'mein ]n.lettuce with long da...
详细解释scrumptiousadj.可口的,美味的;愉快的;英英释义 scrumptious[ 'skrmps ]adj.extremely pleasing to the sense of taste同义词...
详细解释licheen.荔枝,荔枝果;英英释义 lichee[ ,lai'ti:, 'li:ti: ]n.Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India ...
详细解释carambolan.五敛子树;阳桃树;英英释义 carambola[ ,krm'bul ]n.East Indian tree bearing deeply ridged yellow-brown fruit同...
详细解释agar-agarn.琼脂;琼胶;英英释义 agar-agar[ 'ei, 'eir'ei ]n.a colloidal extract of algae; used especially in culture medi...