共 47 个单词
民航英语词典A中国民航出版社出版相关的的单词有【abeam】【abidance】【acceptor】【accumulative】【act against】【add-on】【advection】【aerobatics】【abaft】【accelerant】【ablation】【above-average】【ampulla】【alleviative】【aneroid】【anoxic】【articulator】【airstream】【airworthy】【alterable】【airsickness】【absorbance】【asymptomatic】【alkalosis】【analyser】【aperiodic】【airfreight】【augmentation】【apoplexy】【alphanumeric】【acclimatization】【atomizer】【airsick】【hydroplane】【turbojet】【airdrome】【seaplane】【transonic】【turboprop】【passenger plane】等。
abeamadv.正横着(与船的龙骨成直角);横向;英英释义 abeam[ 'bi:m ]adv.at right angles to the length of a ship or airplan...
详细解释abidancen.持续,遵守,居住;英英释义 abidance[ 'baidns ]n.acting according to certain accepted standards同义词:conformi...
详细解释acceptorn.接受者,接收器;受主;被诱物;英英释义 acceptor[ k'sept ]n.(chemistry) in the formation of a coordinate bond i...
详细解释accumulativeadj.积聚的,累积的;英英释义 accumulative[ 'kju:mjultiv, -lei- ]adj.increasing by successive addition"the ev...
详细解释advectionn.水平对流;移流;英英释义 advection[ d'vekn ]n.(meteorology) the horizontal transfer of heat or other atmosphe...
详细解释aerobaticsn.特技飞行,特技飞行术;英英释义 aerobatics[ ,ru'btiks ]n.the performance of stunts while in flight in an airc...
详细解释abaftadv.在船尾,向船尾;prep.比…更近船尾;英英释义 abaft[ 'b:ft, -b- ]adv.at or near or toward the stern of a ship or ...
详细解释accelerantn.促进剂;英英释义 AccelerantAccelerants play a major role in chemistry. Most chemical reactions can be hasten...
详细解释ablationn.消融,切除;冲蚀;消蚀;磨削英英释义 ablation[ b'lein ]n.surgical removal of a body part or tissue同义词:exti...
详细解释ampullan.圣瓶;壶状体;[解]壶腹; 变形 复数:ampullae 英英释义 ampulla[ m'pul ]n.the dilated portion of a canal or duct ...
详细解释alleviativeadj.减轻的;n.缓和剂;英英释义 alleviative[ 'li:vieitiv ]adj.moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to...
详细解释aneroidadj.无液的,不利用液体的;n.无液气压计;英英释义 aneroid[ 'nrid ]n.a barometer that measures pressure without usi...
详细解释anoxicadj.缺氧的;英英释义 anoxic[ 'nksik ]adj.relating to or marked by a severe deficiency of oxygen in tissues or orga...
详细解释articulatorn.发音的人或物;发音矫正器;牙合架;接骨的人英英释义 articulator[ :'tikjuleit ]n.someone who pronounces words...
详细解释airstreamn.气流(尤指与飞机前进方向相反者);英英释义 airstream[ 'stri:m ]n.a relatively well-defined prevailing windthe...
详细解释alterableadj.可变的,可改的;英英释义 alterable[ ':ltrbl ]adj.capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic...
详细解释airsicknessn.晕机;英英释义 airsickness[ 'siknis ]n.motion sickness experienced while traveling by air (especially durin...
详细解释absorbancen.吸光率;消光;吸光度;英英释义 AbsorbanceIn spectroscopy, the absorbance (also called optical densityLaser G...
详细解释asymptomaticadj.无临床症状的;英英释义 asymptomatic[ ,eisimpt'mtik ]adj.having no symptoms of illness or disease同义词:...
详细解释alkalosisn.碱毒症;英英释义 alkalosis[ ,lk'lusis ]n.abnormally high alkalinity (low hydrogen-ion concentration) of the b...
详细解释analysern.分析者; 变形 复数:analysers 英英释义 analyser[ 'nlaiz ]n.an instrument that performs analyses同义词:analyze...
详细解释aperiodicadj.非周期性的;不定期的;非周期的;(振动等)非周期的英英释义 aperiodic[ ,eipiri'dik ]adj.not recurring at reg...
详细解释airfreightn.货物空运,货物空运费;v.空运;英英释义 airfreight[ ',freit ]v.transport (cargo) by air同义词:air-shipair-fr...
详细解释augmentationn.扩大;增大;增加物;主题延长英英释义 augmentation[ ,:men'tein ]n.the amount by which something increasesth...
详细解释apoplexyn.中风;卒中;英英释义 apoplexy[ 'pupleksi ]n.a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlu...
详细解释alphanumericadj.文字数字的,包括文字与数字的;英英释义 alphanumeric[ ,lfnju:'merik,-kl ]adj.of or pertaining to alphanum...
详细解释acclimatizationn.环境适应性;服水土;服习;驯化英英释义 acclimatization[ ,klaimtai'zein, -ti'z- ]n.adaptation to a new c...
详细解释atomizern.喷雾器,香水喷瓶;英英释义 atomizer[ 'tumaiz ]n.a dispenser that turns a liquid (such as perfume) into a fine ...
详细解释airsickadj.晕机的;英英释义 airsick[ 'sik ]adj.experiencing motion sickness同义词:air sickcarsickseasick
详细解释hydroplanen.水上滑艇,水上飞机; 变形 复数:hydroplanes 英英释义 hydroplane[ 'haidruplein ]n.an airplane that can land o...
详细解释turbojetn.涡轮喷气引擎;涡轮喷气式飞机;英英释义 turbojet[ 't:budet ]n.an airplane propelled by a fanjet engine同义词:f...
详细解释airdromen.飞机场,机场; 变形 复数:airdromes 英英释义 airdrome[ 'drum ]n.an airfield equipped with control tower and ha...
详细解释seaplanen.水上飞机; 变形 复数:seaplanes 英英释义 seaplane[ 'si:plein ]n.an airplane that can land on or take off from ...
详细解释transonicadj.接近音速的;英英释义 transonic[ trn'snik, -'z-, tr:n- ]adj.(of speed) having or caused by speed approximate...
详细解释turbopropn.涡轮螺旋桨发动机;涡轮机螺旋桨式飞机; 变形 复数:turboprops 英英释义 turboprop[ 't:buprp ]n.an airplane with...