共 329 个单词
汽车专业英语读译教程相关的的单词有【catalytic converter】【parking brake】【check valve】【tail pipe】【pinch off】【bearing shell】【air gap】【piston ring】【combustion chamber】【fall-off】【thermistor】【throw-out】【spur gear】【composite material】【compression ratio】【fender】【harmonics】【tire chain】【potentiometer】【top shape】【heavy-duty】【heat shield】【stoichiometric】【micrometer】【octane rating】【ohmmeter】【oil pan】【retrieval system】【pressure gauge】【water pump】【light emitting diode】【intake stroke】【intercooler】【turbo】【venturi】【driveability】【MPV】【overswing】【universal joint】【free stroke】等。
catalytic convertern.(汽车等的)催化式排气净化器; 变形 复数:catalytic converters 英英释义 catalytic converter n.a con...
详细解释parking brake释义停车制动;英英释义 parking brake n.a brake operated by hand; usually operates by mechanical linkage同义...
详细解释tail pipen.排气尾管;英英释义 tail pipe n.a pipe carrying fumes from the muffler to the rear of a car同义词:tailpipe
详细解释pinch offv.修剪;夹断;英英释义 Pinch OffPinch Off is a type of bread baked in a dutch oven and therefore suitable for c...
详细解释air gap释义空隙;气隙;英英释义 Air gapAn air gap or air wallWiktionary: Airwall, retrieved on 2010-05-13 is a network s...
详细解释piston ringn.活塞环;涨圈;英英释义 piston ring n.seal consisting of a split metal ring that seals the gap between a pis...
详细解释combustion chamber释义燃烧室;炉膛;英英释义 Combustion chamberA combustion chamber is the part of an engine in which fu...
详细解释fall-offn.减少,跌落;英英释义 fall-off[ 'f:l'f ]n.a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality同义词:slumpslac...
详细解释thermistorn.电热调节器;英英释义 thermistor[ :'mist, ':m- ]n.a semiconductor device made of materials whose resistance v...
详细解释throw-outn.被抛弃的东西;大幅插页;英英释义 throw-out[ 'ruaut ]v.force to leave or move out同义词:expelthrow outkick ou...
详细解释composite material释义合成材料,成层材料,混合材;英英释义 composite material n.strong lightweight material developed in...
详细解释compression ration.压缩率,压缩比;英英释义 Compression ratioThe compression ratio of an internal-combustion engine or e...
详细解释fendern.(车辆的)挡泥板;防御物;火炉围栏; 变形 复数:fenders 英英释义 fender[ 'fend ]n.a barrier that surrounds the w...
详细解释harmonicsn.和声学;泛音( harmonic的名词复数 );英英释义 harmonics[ h:'mniks ]n.the study of musical sound
详细解释tire chain释义防滑链;英英释义 tire chain n.chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow同义词:snow cha...
详细解释potentiometern.电位计,分压计;电势计;分压器;英英释义 potentiometer[ pu,teni'mit ]n.a measuring instrument for measuri...
详细解释heavy-dutyadj.重型的,重载的;耐用的;关税重的;强功率英英释义 heavy-duty[ 'hevi'dju:ti ]adj.designed for heavy work"a h...
详细解释heat shieldn.(宇宙飞行器的)热屏蔽,挡热板;英英释义 heat shield n.a protective covering that protects a spacecraft fro...
详细解释stoichiometric释义化学当量的,化学计算的;英英释义 stoichiometric[ ,stiki'metrik ]adj.of or relating to stoichiometry
详细解释micrometern.测微计,千分尺;目镜;英英释义 micrometer[ mai'krmit ]n.caliper for measuring small distances同义词:microme...
详细解释octane ratingn.辛烷值;英英释义 octane rating n.a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline同义词:octane number
详细解释ohmmetern.欧姆计,欧姆表;英英释义 ohmmeter[ 'um,mi:t ]n.a meter for measuring electrical resistance in ohms
详细解释pressure gaugen.压力计;英英释义 pressure gauge n.gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure同义词:pressure gage
详细解释water pumpn.抽水机;水泵;英英释义 water pump n.the pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to ...
详细解释intercoolern.冷热气自动调节机;英英释义 IntercoolerIntercooler is a rock band out of Brisbane, Australia以上来源于:Wikip...
详细解释turbon.涡轮(发动机),增压涡轮;同“turbosuper charger”; 变形 复数:turbos 英英释义 TurboTurbo was a brand of chewing...
详细解释venturin.文氏管,文丘里管(一种流体流量测定装置;英英释义 venturi[ ven'tjuri ]n.United States architect (born in 1925)同义...
详细解释universal jointn.万向接头;英英释义 universal joint n.coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of mov...