共 240 个单词
没有词汇量怎么搞科研相关的的单词有【toluene】【delamination】【percutaneous】【columnar】【subdural】【occipital】【endothelial】【gyrus】【striation】【tessellation】【chive】【knock on】【asperse】【supercritical】【dimer】【cortical】【tinged】【degeneracy】【astigmatism】【vitae】【dissipative】【galling】【holo】【krill】【tetra】【mitochondrial】【freestanding】【effuse】【drowsiness】【superscript】【anodize】【convolution】【fermion】【oscilloscope】【acrophobia】【neurotoxin】【interpolate】【honoraria】【lift up】【coplanar】等。
toluenen.甲苯(染料或火药的原料);英英释义 toluene[ 'tljui:n ]n.a colorless flammable liquid obtained from petroleum or...
详细解释delaminationn.分层,分叶;层离;起鳞;英英释义 DelaminationIn geophysics, delamination refers to the loss and sinking of...
详细解释percutaneousadj.经皮的,由皮的;英英释义 percutaneous[ ,p:kju:'teinis ]adj.through the unbroken skin; refers to medicati...
详细解释columnaradj.柱形的,筒形的,分纵栏印刷或书写的;英英释义 columnar[ k'lmn ]adj.having the form of a column"columnar forms...
详细解释subduraladj.硬膜下的;英英释义 subdural[ sb'djurl ]adj.below the dura mater but above the arachnoid membrane of the meni...
详细解释occipitaladj.枕部的,枕骨的;n.枕骨;英英释义 occipital[ k'sipitl ]adj.of or relating to the occiput"occipital bone"
详细解释endothelialadj.[医] 内皮的;英英释义 endothelial[ ,endu'i:lil ]adj.of or relating to or located in the endothelium
详细解释gyrusn.回转,脑回; 变形 复数:gyri 英英释义 gyrus[ 'dairs ]n.a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain同义...
详细解释striationn.条痕,条纹状;线状;劈理;擦痕英英释义 striation[ strai'ein ]n.any of a number of tiny parallel grooves such ...
详细解释tessellationn.镶嵌成小方格,棋盘形布置,镶嵌式铺装;嵌石装饰;英英释义 tessellation[ ,tesi'lein ]n.the careful juxtaposi...
详细解释chiven.细洋葱;英英释义 chive[ taiv ]n.perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning同义词:chivescivesc...
详细解释knock on释义敲击;(使)增加;不停地工作;取消英英释义 knock on n.(rugby) knocking the ball forward while trying to catc...
详细解释supercriticaladj.超临界的;英英释义 supercritical[ ,sju:p'kritikl ]adj.(especially of fissionable material) able to sust...
详细解释dimern.二聚物;英英释义 dimer[ 'daim ]n.a compound whose molecules are composed of two identical monomers
详细解释tingedv.(使)发丁丁声( ting的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 ting[ tindd ]n.a light clear metallic sound as of a small bel...
详细解释degeneracyn.堕落,退化,退步;英英释义 degeneracy[ di'denrsi ]n.the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualiti...
详细解释astigmatismn.散光;英英释义 astigmatism[ 'stimtizm ]n.(ophthalmology) impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular...
详细解释krilln.磷虾;鱼苗;英英释义 krill[ kril ]n.shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans; major source of food for e.g. baleen whal...
详细解释freestandingadj.(家具或设备)独立式的;英英释义 freestanding[ 'fri:'stndi ]adj.standing apart; not attached to or suppo...
详细解释drowsinessn.睡意;嗜睡;英英释义 drowsiness[ 'drauzinis ]n.a very sleepy state同义词:sleepinesssomnolence
详细解释superscriptadj.写在上边的;n.上角文字,上标;英英释义 superscript[ 'sju:pskript ]n.a character or symbol set or printed ...
详细解释convolutionn.回旋,盘旋,卷绕; 变形 复数:convolutions 英英释义 convolution[ ,knv'lu:n ]n.the shape of something rotati...
详细解释fermionn.费密子;英英释义 fermion[ 'f:min ]n.any particle that obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics and is subject to the Pauli ...
详细解释oscilloscopen.示波镜;英英释义 oscilloscope[ 'siluskup, - ]n.electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying...
详细解释neurotoxinn.神经毒素;英英释义 neurotoxin[ ,njuru'tksin ]n.any toxin that affects neural tissues同义词:neurolysin
详细解释interpolatev.插入,插(话);篡改; 变形 过去式:interpolated过去分词:interpolated现在分词:interpolating第三人称单数:...
详细解释lift up释义举起,提起;鼓舞;挑;搴英英释义 lift up v.take and lift upward同义词:pick upgather upfill with high spirits...