共 234 个单词
浙江专升本英语考试精选词汇表相关的的单词有【be favorable to】【impress on】【healthcare】【be in sight】【in favor with】【out of favor with】【reason with】【call in question】【inclusive of】【restrict to】【restrain from】【react on】【put emphasis on】【intend for】【speak ill of】【remedy for】【occupy oneself with】【out of the reach of】【at peace with】【insure against】【resort to force】【be particular about】【relevant to】【tax free】【be guilty of】【in the mood for】【at leisure】【in proportion】【in fear of】【be good for】【be in the way】【previous to】【in nature】【under discussion】【reply to】【take pleasure in】【be patient with】【range over】【make an impression on】【beyond hope】等。
healthcare释义卫生保健;英英释义 healthcare[ 'helk ]n.the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or tr...
详细解释tax free释义[财]无需课税;英英释义 tax free adj.(of goods or funds) not taxed同义词:tax-exempttax-freeuntaxed
详细解释at leisure释义有空;闲暇时;从容不迫地;不慌不忙地英英释义 at leisure adv.in an unhurried way or at one's convenience同义...