共 27 个单词
游戏动画制作常用单词模型材质篇相关的的单词有【bilinear】【incandescence】【translucence】【backlight】【torus】【specular】【keylight】【chromatic aberration】【irradiance】【fresnel】【locator】【unitize】【liquify】【lasso】【stylize】【antialiasing】【initialize】【absorbance】【reflectance】【emissive】【metalloid】【albedo】【reflectivity】【subsurface】【depth of field】【still life】【cosine】等。
bilinearadj.双线性的;英英释义 bilinear[ bai'lini ]adj.linear with respect to each of two variables or positions
详细解释incandescencen.白热,炽热;白炽;英英释义 incandescence[ ,inkn'desns ]n.the phenomenon of light emission by a body as it...
详细解释translucencen.半透明;半透澈度;英英释义 translucence[ trnz'lju:sns, trns-, tr:n- ]n.the quality of allowing light to pa...
详细解释backlightn.背后照明;vt.从背后照亮; 变形 过去式:backlighted过去分词:backlighted现在分词:backlighting第三人称单数:ba...
详细解释torusn.花托,花床,圆环面; 变形 复数:tori 英英释义 torus[ 't:rs, 'tu- ]n.a ring-shaped surface generated by rotating a...
详细解释specularadj.镜的;窥器的;用窥器(检查)的;镜子似的英英释义 specular[ 'spekjul ]adj.capable of reflecting light like a ...
详细解释chromatic aberrationn.色差,象差;英英释义 chromatic aberration optical aberration in which the image has colored f...
详细解释irradiancen.发光,光辉;辐照度;英英释义 IrradianceIrradiance is the fifth and final studio album by American progressiv...
详细解释fresneln.菲(涅耳)(频率单位,百亿赫兹);菲涅耳;英英释义 fresnel[ frei'nel ]n.French physicist who invented polarized...
详细解释locatorn.表示位置之物,土地;英英释义 locator[ lu'keit, 'lukeit ]n.a person who fixes the boundaries of land claims同义词...
详细解释liquifyv.(使)溶解,(使)液化;英英释义 liquify[ 'likwifai ]v.make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating同义词:li...
详细解释antialiasing释义[计]消除混叠现象,消除走样,图形保真;英英释义 antialiasing[ 'nti:'eili:si ]n.(computer graphics) a tech...
详细解释initializevt.初始化;英英释义 initialize[ i'nilaiz ]v.assign an initial value to a computer program同义词:initialisediv...
详细解释absorbancen.吸光率;消光;吸光度;英英释义 AbsorbanceIn spectroscopy, the absorbance (also called optical densityLaser G...
详细解释reflectancen.反射比,反射系数;反射率;英英释义 reflectance[ ri'flektns ]n.the fraction of radiant energy that is reflec...
详细解释metalloidn.类金属;adj.类似金属性的;英英释义 metalloid[ 'metlid ]adj.of or being a nonmetallic element that has some of...
详细解释albedon.(星体)反照率; 变形 复数:albedos 英英释义 albedo[ l'bi:du ]n.the ratio of reflected to incident light同义词:...
详细解释reflectivityn.反射率;英英释义 reflectivity[ ,ri:flek'tiviti ]n.the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a ...
详细解释subsurfaceadj.表面下的,地下的;英英释义 subsurface[ 'sbs:fis, sb's:fis ]adj.beneath the surface"subsurface materials of...
详细解释depth of field释义景深;英英释义 Depth of fieldmacro photograph with very shallow depth of field]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释still lifen.静物; 变形 复数:still lifes 英英释义 still life n.a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers