共 21 个单词
牛津高中英语模块六高二上学期相关的的单词有【draw someone's attention to】【have power over】【the Middle East】【Plains Indian】【the Arctic Circle】【goodwill ambassador】【have affection for】【peace pipe】【show somebody around】【at that point】【Native American Indian】【Brunei】【Polynesia】【think back】【in chaos】【under the umbrella of】【silent film】【running water】【in good spirits】【glare at】【the Netherlands】等。
the Middle East释义中东;英英释义 The Middle EastPublished since 1974, The Middle East is well established as the region...
详细解释Plains Indian释义大草原印第安人 [亦作 Buffalo Indian];英英释义 Plains Indian n.a member of one of the tribes of America...
详细解释goodwill ambassadorn.亲善大使;英英释义 Goodwill AmbassadorGoodwill Ambassador is a collective term sometimes used as a ...
详细解释peace pipen.(北美印第安人用来表示和睦的)和睦烟斗;英英释义 peace pipe n.a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Amerindi...
详细解释Brunein.文莱;英英释义 Brunei[ 'bru:nai ]n.a sultanate in northwestern Borneo; became independent of Great Britain in 19...
详细解释Polynesia释义玻里尼西亚;英英释义 Polynesia[ ,pli'ni:zj; -i ]n.the islands in the eastern part of Oceania
详细解释silent film释义默片,无声片;无声电影;英英释义 Silent filmA silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound, ...
详细解释running watern.流水,活水;自来水;英英释义 Running Water"Running Water"is a 1984 single by The Moody Blues guitarist Ju...
详细解释in good spirits释义精神好,高兴,兴致好;英英释义 in good spirits adv.without losing equilibrium同义词:in stride
详细解释the Netherlandsn.荷兰;英英释义 the Netherlands n.a constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea; half the...