共 390 个单词
瓦尔登湖亨利大卫梭罗相关的的单词有【sadi】【saith】【sapwood】【scarlatina】【sedgy】【calk】【cack】【selvage】【servitor】【shavings】【cassiopeia】【shingled】【shiner】【sheepcot】【cerulean】【Sierra Nevada】【sifting】【partook】【patagonian】【patroclus】【Chaucer】【aborigines】【Peleus】【Pedro】【peetweet】【bagdad】【acheron】【acton】【admetus】【talaria】【tanager】【slumberous】【snowplough】【dace】【magnus】【pewee】【cinquefoil】【cinders】【Tartary】【songster】等。
sapwoodn.边材,白木质;英英释义 sapwood[ 'spwud ]n.newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood o...
详细解释scarlatinan.猩红热;英英释义 scarlatina[ ,sk:l'ti:n ]n.an acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized...
详细解释selvagen.布的织边,镶边;布边;英英释义 selvage[ 'selvid ]n.border consisting of an ornamental fringe at either end of a...
详细解释servitorn.仆人,随从;英英释义 servitor[ 's:vit ]n.someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else
详细解释shavingsn.(刨削下来的)薄片,刨花;刨片,削片( shaving的名词复数);英英释义 shaving[ 'eiviz ]n.the act of removing hair...
详细解释cassiopeian.仙后座;英英释义 cassiopeia[ ,ksiu'pi: ]n.(Greek mythology) the wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromedaa W-s...
详细解释shingledadj.盖木瓦的;贴有墙面板的;v.用木瓦盖(shingle的过去式和过去分词形式);英英释义 shingle[ 'ingld ]n.building mate...
详细解释shinern.发光体,打伤的黑眼圈;英英释义 shiner[ 'ain ]n.a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye同义词:black eyemous...
详细解释ceruleanadj.蔚蓝的,天蓝的;天蓝色;英英释义 cerulean[ si'ru:ljn ]n.a light shade of blue同义词:azuresapphirelazulinesk...
详细解释Sierra Nevadan.内华达山脉(美国加利福尼亚州东部的花岗岩块状山脉);英英释义 Sierra Nevada n.a mountain range in southern...
详细解释siftingn.筛,过滤;v.筛( sift的现在分词 );筛滤;细查;详审英英释义 sifting[ 'sifti ]n.the act of separating grain from ...
详细解释partookv.参加( partake的过去式 );参与;吃;喝英英释义 partake[ pa:'tuk ]v.have some of the qualities or attributes of s...
详细解释patroclusn.普特洛克勒斯(希腊战士,在特洛伊战争被杀);英英释义 patroclus[ p'trukls ]n.(Greek mythology) a friend of Ach...
详细解释Chaucern.乔叟(英国诗人,1340-1400);英英释义 Chaucer[ 't:s ]n.English poet remembered as author of the Canterbury Tale...
详细解释aboriginesn.(尤指澳大利亚的)土著居民;蕃;土人;土产英英释义 aborigine[ ,b'ridini:z ]n.the earliest known inhabitants ...
详细解释Peleusn.珀琉斯(色萨利地方密尔弥冬人的国王,Achilles之父);英英释义 Peleus[ 'pi:ljus ]n.a king of the Myrmidons and fat...
详细解释bagdadn.巴格达;英英释义 bagdad[ 'bdd ]n.capital and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River同义词:Baghdadcap...
详细解释acheronn.黄泉,地狱,阴间;英英释义 acheron[ 'krn ]n.(Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the de...
详细解释tanagern.(中美洲产的艳羽鸣禽)唐纳雀;裸鼻雀;英英释义 tanager[ 'tnd ]n.any of numerous New World woodland birds having...
详细解释slumberousadj.像要睡觉的;催眠的;沉睡般的;安静的英英释义 slumberous[ 'slmbrs ]adj.quiet and tranquil"a slumberous June...
详细解释snowploughn.&v.(滑雪者)作犁式滑降;扫雪机;雪犁;犁雪机 变形 复数:snowploughs 英英释义 snowplough[ 'snuplau ]n.a vehi...
详细解释dacen.[鱼](鲤科)鲦鱼; 变形 复数:dacedaces 英英释义 dace[ deis ]n.small European freshwater fish with a slender bluis...
详细解释magnusadj.大的;英英释义 MagnusMagnus () was Archbishop of Milan from 518 to c. 530.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释peween.美洲小燕;英英释义 pewee[ 'pi:wi: ]n.small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America同义词:pee...
详细解释cinquefoiln.洋莓属的一种,五叶形的装饰,梅花形;五指草;五瓣饰;英英释义 cinquefoil[ 'sikfil ]n.any of a numerous plants...
详细解释cindersn.煤渣( cinder的名词复数 );炭渣;煤渣路;煤渣跑道英英释义 cinder[ 'sindz ]n.a fragment of incombustible matter l...
详细解释Tartaryn.鞑靼地方(指中世纪时受蒙古人统治的自东欧至亚洲的广大地区);英英释义 Tartary[ 't:tri ]n.the vast geographical r...