共 243 个单词
生活英语1000词相关的的单词有【capetown】【Abu Dhabi】【Chinese chestnut】【tape recorder】【mail car】【pettitoes】【bay window】【tel aviv】【Tehran】【soldiery】【pilchard】【South Korea】【sperm whale】【rear door】【hairtail】【st. petersburg】【ticket office】【preserved ham】【weever】【suspended ceiling】【riyadh】【cruller】【jelly fish】【North Korea】【budgeteer】【dwarf bean】【lyons】【dark brown sugar】【UAE】【real estate agent】【customs officer】【sun visor】【bean milk】【karachi】【baking powder】【shinkansen】【red pepper】【cumquat】【sweet corn】【sesame oil】等。
Abu Dhabi释义阿布扎比(阿拉伯联合酋长国首都);英英释义 Abu Dhabi n.a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the Uni...
详细解释Chinese chestnut释义板栗;英英释义 Chinese chestnut n.a small tree with small sweet nuts; wild or naturalized in Korea a...
详细解释tape recordern.磁带录音机; 变形 复数:tape recorders 英英释义 tape recorder n.a magnetic recorder using magnetic tape同...
详细解释bay windown.凸窗; 变形 复数:bay windows 英英释义 bay window n.slang for a paunch同义词:potpotbellycorporationtummya w...
详细解释tel aviv释义特拉维夫(以色列港市);英英释义 tel aviv n.the largest city and financial center of Israel; located in west...
详细解释Tehran释义德黑兰;英英释义 Tehran[ t'rn; -r:n ]n.the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran同义词:T...
详细解释soldieryn.军人;英英释义 soldiery[ 'suldri ]n.soldiers collectively同义词:military personneltroops
详细解释pilchardn.沙丁鱼; 变形 复数:pilchards 英英释义 pilchard[ 'pilt:d ]n.small fatty fish usually canned同义词:sardinesmal...
详细解释South Korea释义南韩;英英释义 South Korea n.a republic in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula; established in 1948...
详细解释sperm whalen.抹香鲸; 变形 复数:sperm whales 英英释义 sperm whale n.large whale with a large cavity in the head contain...
详细解释hairtailn.带鱼;英英释义 hairtail[ 'hteil ]n.long-bodied marine fishes having a long whiplike scaleless body and sharp t...
详细解释st. petersburg英英释义 st. petersburg n.a city in western Florida on Tampa Bay; a popular winter resort同义词:Saint Pet...
详细解释ticket officen.票房,售票处;英英释义 ticket office n.the office where tickets of admission are sold同义词:box officeti...
详细解释weevern.鲈鱼;龙腾;英英释义 WeeverWeevers (or Weeverfish) are nine extant species of fish of family Trachinidae, order ...
详细解释riyadhn.利雅得(沙特阿拉伯首都);英英释义 riyadh[ ri:'j:d; ri- ]n.joint capital (with Mecca) of Saudi Arabia located in...
详细解释crullern.油煎饼的一种;炸纽绞;英英释义 cruller[ 'krl ]n.small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer th...
详细解释jelly fishn.水母;海蜇;软弱无力的人;软蛋英英释义 jelly fish n.large siphonophore having a bladderlike float and stingi...
详细解释North Korean.北韩,北朝鲜;英英释义 North Korea n.a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula; esta...
详细解释lyonsn.里昂;英英释义 lyons[ lju ]n.a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and r...
详细解释UAEabbr.United Arab Emirates (亚洲) 阿拉伯联合酋长国;英英释义 UAEUAE is the United Arab Emirates.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释real estate agent释义房地产经纪人;英英释义 real estate agent n.a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sa...
详细解释customs officer释义海关人员;关务员;英英释义 Customs officerA customs officer is a law enforcement agent who enforces c...
详细解释sun visorn.(车辆驾驶室挡风玻璃上的)防晒板;英英释义 sun visor n.a shade (sometimes of green mica) affixed above the wi...
详细解释karachin.卡拉奇;英英释义 karachi[ k'r:ti ]n.the largest city in Pakistan; located in southeastern Pakistan; an industri...
详细解释baking powdern.发酵粉; 变形 复数:baking powders 英英释义 baking powder n.any of various powdered mixtures used in baki...
详细解释shinkansenn.新干线(日本的高速客运列车);英英释义 ShinkansenThe is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan opera...
详细解释red peppern.辣椒; 变形 复数:red peppers 英英释义 red pepper n.ground pods and seeds of pungent red peppers of the genu...
详细解释cumquatn.金橘;英英释义 cumquat[ 'kmkwt ]n.any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella bearing small orange-c...
详细解释sweet cornn.甜玉米,甜玉米穗;英英释义 sweet corn n.a corn plant developed in order to have young ears that are sweet an...