共 221 个单词
生物化学百歌医学单词USMLE相关的的单词有【salvage pathway】【carbamoyl phosphate】【acetyl-CoA】【acoustic neuroma】【Tay-Sachs】【aldolase】【maple syrup urine disease】【Fabry's】【alkaptonuria】【metachromatic leukodystrophy】【Gaucher's】【dinitrophenol】【occiput】【oligomycin】【Lesch-Nyhan syndrome】【aplasia】【glucose-6-phosphate】【homogentisic acid】【Hunter's】【hyperphagia】【rotenone】【cutis】【urea cycle】【Niemann-Pick】【linolenic acid】【ataxic】【hypotonia】【cystinuria】【lysosomal storage disease】【alanine】【lysosomal】【fumarate】【succinyl-CoA】【hemangioblastoma】【homocystinuria】【succinate】【tricarboxylic acid cycle】【glyceraldehyde】【Mental retardation】【phenylketonuria】等。
Tay-Sachsadj.家族黑蒙性白痴病的;n.家族黑蒙性白痴;英英释义 Tay-Sachs[ 'tei'sks ]n.a hereditary disorder of lipid metabo...
详细解释aldolasen.醛缩酶;英英释义 AldolaseUnqualified, aldolase usually refers to the enzyme fructose-bisphosphate aldolase.以上...
详细解释maple syrup urine disease释义槭糖尿病;英英释义 maple syrup urine disease n.an inherited disorder of metabolism in which...
详细解释alkaptonuria释义尿黑酸尿;英英释义 alkaptonuria[ l,kpt'njuri ]n.a rare recessive metabolic anomaly marked by ochronosis ...
详细解释dinitrophenoln.二硝基酚;英英释义 DinitrophenolDinitrophenols are chemical compounds which are nitro derivatives of phen...
详细解释occiputn.后头部,枕骨部; 变形 复数:occiputs 英英释义 occiput[ 'ksipt, -pt ]n.back part of the head or skull
详细解释aplasian.不发育,成形不完全,先天萎缩;英英释义 aplasia[ 'pleizi ]n.failure of some tissue or organ to develop
详细解释homogentisic acid释义尿黑酸;英英释义 homogentisic acid n.an acid formed as an intermediate product of the metabolism of...
详细解释rotenonen.鱼藤酮;英英释义 rotenone[ 'rutnun ]n.a white crystalline insecticide that has low toxicity for mammals; is us...
详细解释cutisn.(脊椎动物的)皮肤,真皮,表皮;英英释义 cutis[ 'kju:tis ]n.a natural protective body covering and site of the se...
详细解释urea cycle释义尿素循环,鸟氨酸循环;英英释义 Urea cycleThe urea cycle (also known as the ornithine cycle) is a cycle of ...
详细解释linolenic acid释义亚麻酸;英英释义 linolenic acid [ ,linu'li:nik, -le- ]n.a liquid polyunsaturated fatty acid that occur...
详细解释ataxicadj.共济失调的,混乱的;英英释义 ataxic[ 'tksik ]adj.lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia同义词:...
详细解释hypotonian.张力减退;英英释义 hypotonia[ ,haip'tuni ]n.(of muscular tissue) the state of being hypotonic同义词:hypotonu...
详细解释alaninen.丙氨酸;英英释义 alanine[ 'lni:n ]n.a crystalline amino acid that occurs in many proteins
详细解释tricarboxylic acid cycle释义三羧酸循环;英英释义 tricarboxylic acid cycle n.in all plants and animals: a series of enzym...
详细解释glyceraldehyden.甘油醛;英英释义 glyceraldehyde[ ,lis'rldhaid ]n.a sweet crystalline aldehyde formed by the breakdown of...
详细解释Mental retardationn.智力迟钝,智力缺陷;英英释义 Mental retardation n.lack of normal development of intellectual capacit...
详细解释phenylketonurian.苯丙酮尿,苯丙酮酸尿症(一种先天性代谢异常);英英释义 phenylketonuria[ 'fenil,ki:t'njuri:, 'fi:- ]n.a ...