共 221 个单词
生物化学百歌医学单词USMLE相关的的单词有【dopa】【probenecid】【cysteine】【chorea】【histidine】【pyruvate】【peripheral neuropathy】【oxaloacetate】【malate】【dystrophin】【guanosine】【hypoxanthine】【choline】【porphyrin】【creatine】【galactose】【leucine】【fava bean】【nucleic acid】【Ashkenazi Jews】【free radical】等。
dopan.多巴,二羟基苯丙氨酸;英英释义 dopa[ 'dup ]n.amino acid that is formed in the liver and converted into dopamine in...
详细解释probenecidn.丙磺舒,羧苯磺丙胺(一种作用于肾管功能的药物);英英释义 probenecid[ pru'benisid ]n.a uricosuric drug that r...
详细解释cysteinen.半胱氨酸,巯基丙氨酸;英英释义 cysteine[ 'sis,tii:n ]n.an amino acid containing sulfur that is found in most p...
详细解释chorean.舞蹈症;英英释义 chorea[ k'ri ]n.chorea in dogs同义词:canine choreaany of several degenerative nervous disorder...
详细解释histidinen.组氨酸,组织氨基酸;英英释义 histidine[ 'histidi:n, -din ]n.an essential amino acid found in proteins that is...
详细解释oxaloacetaten.草酰乙酸盐(或酯),丁酮二酸盐(或酯);英英释义 oxaloacetate[ ,kslu'siteit ]n.a salt or ester of oxalacet...
详细解释dystrophin释义肌萎缩蛋白;英英释义 DystrophinDystrophin is a rod-shaped cytoplasmic protein, and a vital part of a prote...
详细解释guanosinen.鸟苷,鸟嘌呤核苷(一种由鸟嘌呤和核糖组成的核糖苷);英英释义 guanosine[ 'w:nsi:n ]n.a nucleoside component of...
详细解释cholinen.胆碱;英英释义 choline[ 'kuli:n ]n.a B-complex vitamin that is a constituent of lecithin; essential in the meta...
详细解释porphyrinn.卟啉;英英释义 porphyrin[ 'p:frin ]n.any of various pigments distributed widely in living tissues
详细解释creatinen.肌酸;英英释义 creatine[ 'kri:ti:n ]n.an amino acid that does not occur in proteins but is found in the muscle...
详细解释galactosen.半乳糖;英英释义 galactose[ 'lktus ]n.a simple sugar found in lactose同义词:brain sugar
详细解释leucinen.白氨酸,亮氨酸;英英释义 leucine[ 'lju:sin ]n.a white crystalline amino acid occurring in proteins that is esse...
详细解释fava beann.[医]蚕豆; 变形 复数:fava beans 英英释义 fava bean [ 'f:v ]n.seed of the broad-bean plant同义词:broad beanh...
详细解释nucleic acidn.核酸;英英释义 nucleic acid n.(biochemistry) any of various macromolecules composed of nucleotide chains t...
详细解释Ashkenazi Jews释义阿什肯纳兹犹太人;英英释义 Ashkenazi JewsY'hudey Ashkenaz in Ashkenazi Hebrew)以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释free radicaln.自由基,游离基; 变形 复数:free radicals 英英释义 free radical n.an atom or group of atoms with at least ...