共 131 个单词
疯狂动物城Zootopia2016相关的的单词有【divot】【squalor】【bellwether】【multitudinous】【docket】【nuts】【dibs】【scorch】【skulk】【implore】【blindly】【ciao】【stroller】【adieu】【complacency】【moldy】【Sahara】【polar bear】【maim】【trier】【meek】【actuary】【caribou】【deterrent】【burn up】【cadet】【sticker】【inclusion】【mouse】【redwood】【cheetah】【cribbage】【savannah】【cower】【bingo】【shifty】【insubordination】【insipid】【jaguar】【antidote】等。
divotn.(击球时削起的)一块草皮,草皮断片; 变形 复数:divots 英英释义 divot[ 'divt ]n.(golf) the cavity left when a pie...
详细解释squalorn.污秽,肮脏;悲惨;贫困;道德败坏英英释义 squalor[ 'skwl, 'skw:- ]n.sordid dirtiness同义词:sordidnesssqualidnes...
详细解释bellwethern.系铃的公羊;前导;领导者;群众的首领 变形 复数:bellwethers 英英释义 bellwether[ 'bel,we ]n.someone who assu...
详细解释multitudinousadj.大量的,群集的,多种多样的;众多;苠;洋英英释义 multitudinous[ ,mlti'tju:dins ]adj.too numerous to be ...
详细解释dibsn.零钱,权利;英英释义 DibsCalling "dibs"is an informal convention where one declares a first claim to something to ...
详细解释blindlyadv.盲目地;无目的地;摸索地;不继续地英英释义 blindly[ 'blaindli ]adv.without seeing or looking"he felt around h...
详细解释ciaoint.见面时致意之用语,再见;英英释义 ciao[ tau ]n.an acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha ...
详细解释strollern.散步者,闲逛者; 变形 复数:strollers 英英释义 stroller[ 'strul ]n.someone who walks at a leisurely pace同义词...
详细解释adieun.告别,辞行;int.再见(含“永不再见”意); 变形 复数:adieus 英英释义 adieu[ 'dju: ]n.a farewell remark同义词:ad...
详细解释complacencyn.自满,满足;自鸣得意;英英释义 complacency[ km'pleisnsi ]n.the feeling you have when you are satisfied with...
详细解释moldyadj.发霉的;破旧的;英英释义 moldy[ 'muldi ]adj.covered with or smelling of mold"moldy bread"; "a moldy (or musty) ...
详细解释Saharan.撒哈拉沙漠(非洲北部大沙漠),荒野;英英释义 Sahara[ s'h:r; -'he- ]n.the world's largest desert (3,500,000 squar...
详细解释polar bearn.北极熊; 变形 复数:polar bears 英英释义 polar bear n.white bear of arctic regions同义词:ice bearUrsus Mari...
详细解释triern.实验者; 变形 复数:triers 英英释义 trier[ 'trai ]n.one (as a judge) who examines and settles a caseone who tries...
详细解释meekadj.温顺的;驯服的;英英释义 meek[ mi:k ]adj.humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed ...
详细解释actuaryn.保险精算师,保险(业务)计算员; 变形 复数:actuaries 英英释义 actuary[ 'ktjuri ]n.someone versed in the collec...
详细解释cariboun.(北美洲产的)驯鹿; 变形 复数:cariboucaribous 英英释义 caribou[ 'kribu: ]n.arctic deer with large antlers in ...
详细解释deterrentn.制止物;威慑物;adj.制止的;遏制的; 变形 复数:deterrents 英英释义 deterrent[ di'ternt ]n.something immateri...
详细解释burn upv.烧起来,烧掉,发怒;毁;烧毁;英英释义 burn up n.a high-speed motorcycle race on a public road同义词:burnupthe...
详细解释cadetn.候补军官;陆海军官学校的学员;幼子,次子;实习生 变形 复数:cadets 英英释义 cadetn.a military trainee (as at a mi...
详细解释inclusionn.包含;内含物; 变形 复数:inclusions 英英释义 inclusion[ in'klu:n ]n.the state of being includedthe relation ...
详细解释redwoodn.(美国加州产的高大的)红杉; 变形 复数:redwoods 英英释义 redwood[ 'redwud ]n.the soft reddish wood of either o...
详细解释cheetahn.(奔跑极快的)非洲猎豹; 变形 复数:cheetahs 英英释义 cheetah[ 'ti:t ]n.long-legged spotted cat of Africa and s...
详细解释cribbagen.纸牌玩法之一;英英释义 cribbage[ 'kribid ]n.a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is deal...
详细解释savannahn.(热带和亚热带)无树大草原; 变形 复数:savannahs 英英释义 savannah[ s'vn ]n.a port in eastern Georgia near th...
详细解释cowervi.畏缩,抖缩; 变形 过去式:cowered过去分词:cowered现在分词:cowering第三人称单数:cowers 英英释义 cower[ 'kau ]v...
详细解释bingo释义宾果游戏;太好了,好极了; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]宾戈游戏 a game played for money or prizes, in which numbers chos...
详细解释shiftyadj.看着不可靠的,贼眉鼠眼的,显得心里有鬼的;善于应变;英英释义 shifty[ 'ifti ]adj.characterized by insincerity o...
详细解释insubordinationn.不顺从,反抗;英英释义 insubordination[ 'ins,b:di'nein ]n.defiance of authorityan insubordinate act同义...
详细解释insipidadj.枯燥的,无生气的,乏味的;索;平淡无奇;索然英英释义 insipid[ in'sipid ]adj.lacking taste or flavor or tang"i...
详细解释jaguarn.(中、南美洲的)美洲虎; 变形 复数:jaguars 英英释义 jaguar[ 'dju ]n.a large spotted feline of tropical America ...