共 131 个单词
疯狂动物城Zootopia2016相关的的单词有【rickety】【muzzle】【detective】【cafeteria】【greasy】【come forward】【beaver】【yoga】【accurate】【database】【scurry】【impede】【incite】【rainforest】【sandstone】【husbandry】【frigid】【revert】【botanical】【boiler】【tundra】【camel】【afflict】【carrot】【instinct】【fox】【cotton】【commerce】【mammal】【assign】【slogan】【turn out】【cement】【academy】【multiply】【primitive】【limitation】【complementary】【utopia】【premature】等。
ricketyadj.连接处不牢固的,快要散架的;英英释义 rickety[ 'rikti ]adj.inclined to shake as from weakness or defect"a rick...
详细解释detectiveadj.侦探的;适于探测的;用于探测的;n.侦探; 变形 复数:detectives 双语释义n.(名词)[C]侦探 a person whose job i...
详细解释cafeterian.食堂;自助餐厅; 变形 复数:cafeterias 双语释义n.(名词)[C](常设在商店、工厂、学校等中的)自助餐厅 a restaurant...
详细解释greasyadj.油腻的;谄媚的;含脂肪多的;英英释义 greasy[ 'ri:zi ]adj.containing an unusual amount of grease or oil"greasy ...
详细解释come forward释义自告奋勇,自愿;主动提供(帮助或服务);出面;英英释义 come forward v.make oneself visible; take action同...
详细解释yogan.瑜伽,喻家派;瑜伽(术),瑜伽修行法;英英释义 yoga[ 'ju ]n.Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness f...
详细解释accurateadj.精确的,准确的;正确无误的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)正确无误的 correct and true in every detail; exactly correc...
详细解释rainforestn.(热带)雨林; 变形 复数:rainforests 英英释义 rainforest[ 'rein,frist ]n.a forest with heavy annual rainfal...
详细解释sandstonen.砂岩;砂石; 变形 复数:sandstones 英英释义 sandstone[ 'sndstun ]n.a sedimentary rock consisting of sand cons...
详细解释husbandryn.农业;资源管理,妥善管理;英英释义 husbandry[ 'hzbndri ]n.the practice of cultivating the land or raising sto...
详细解释botanicaladj.植物学的; 变形 复数:botanicals 双语释义adj.(形容词)植物学的 of or relating to botany 英英释义 botanical[ ...
详细解释boilern.锅炉;烧水壶;热水器; 变形 复数:boilers 英英释义 boiler[ 'bil ]n.sealed vessel where water is converted to ste...
详细解释tundran.(多数位于北极圈的)冻土带;苔原;冻原;寒漠 变形 复数:tundras 英英释义 tundra[ 'tndr ]n.a vast treeless plain ...
详细解释cameln.骆驼; 变形 复数:camels 双语释义n.(名词)[C]骆驼 either of two large long-necked animals used for riding or carry...
详细解释afflictvt.使受痛苦;折磨;使苦恼; 变形 过去式:afflicted过去分词:afflicted现在分词:afflicting第三人称单数:afflicts 双...
详细解释commercen.商业;商务;贸易; 变形 复数:commerces 双语释义n.(名词)[U]商业,贸易 trade; buying and selling of goods 英英释...
详细解释mammaln.哺乳动物; 变形 复数:mammals 双语释义n.(名词)[C]哺乳动物 any of the group of vertebrate animals that includes m...
详细解释turn out释义结果是;关掉;制造;出席英英释义 turn out n.the group that gathers together for a particular occasion同义词:...
详细解释complementaryadj.互补的;补充的,补足的;英英释义 complementary[ ,kmpli'mentri ]n.either one of two chromatic colors tha...
详细解释utopian.乌托邦(理想中美好的社会); 变形 复数:utopias 英英释义 UtopiaUtopia is the fifth studio album by industrial me...