共 19 个单词
研究生美术英语教程相关的的单词有【rough draft】【accent light】【Liquid crystal display】【industrial design】【shutter speed】【light meter】【postage stamp】【network card】【fixed disk】【graphic design】【mpc】【impasto】【foreshorten】【greeting card】【chiaroscuro】【hard disk】【depth of field】【low key】【laser printer】等。
rough draft释义草图;草稿;英英释义 Rough DraftWritten in 2005, Moscow, Rough Draft by Sergey Lukyanenko is a fantasy no...
详细解释Liquid crystal displayn.液晶显示; 变形 复数:liquid crystal displays 英英释义 Liquid crystal display n.a digital displa...
详细解释shutter speed释义快门速度;英英释义 Shutter speedIn photography, shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time a ...
详细解释light metern.曝光表;英英释义 light meter n.photographic equipment that measures the intensity of light同义词:exposure ...
详细解释postage stamp释义邮票; 变形 复数:postage stamps 英英释义 postage stamp n.a token that postal fees have been paid同义词...
详细解释fixed diskn.硬盘;英英释义 fixed disk n.a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit同义词:hard dischard d...
详细解释graphic design释义(书籍、杂志、广告的)平面造型设计;英英释义 Graphic designfunctionalist and anonymous, as these picto...
详细解释mpcabbr.multipurpose computer 多用途计算机;multipurpose carrier 多用途船舶;military payment certificate 军用票;mathem...
详细解释impaston.厚涂颜料技术;英英释义 impasto[ im'p:stu ]n.painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette ...
详细解释foreshortenvt.按照透视法缩短(描绘对象); 变形 过去式:foreshortened过去分词:foreshortened现在分词:foreshortening第三...
详细解释greeting card释义贺年片(用纸);英英释义 greeting card n.a card sent to express personal greetings
详细解释chiaroscuron.(绘画中)明暗对照法;(文学中)对比法,对照法; 变形 复数:chiaroscuros 英英释义 chiaroscuro[ ki,:r'skjuru...
详细解释hard diskn.硬盘; 变形 复数:hard disks 英英释义 hard disk n.a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit同...
详细解释depth of field释义景深;英英释义 Depth of fieldmacro photograph with very shallow depth of field]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释low key释义暗色调图像调节键;英英释义 low key adj.restrained in style or quality同义词:low-keylow-keyedsubdued
详细解释laser printern.激光打印机; 变形 复数:laser printers 英英释义 laser printer n.electrostatic printer that focuses a lase...