共 699 个单词
硅谷-第二季-Silicon-Valley相关的的单词有【cash out】【take it or leave it】【take it out on】【smocked】【bed-wetting】【come to think of it】【all things considered】【far behind】【heap on】【Anti-Semite】【in the dust】【emphasis on】【give it up】【appositive】【privy to】【riff】【critical mass】【java script】【not a chance】【koa】【knock yourself out】【kiss of death】【litigator】【by extension】【revenue stream】【cross the line】【hypervisor】【intoxicating】【riddled】【lose to】【Ethiopian】【self-destructive】【misogynistic】【black hat】【take the stand】【bum out】【transcode】【disbar】【brainwave】【lemming】等。
cash out释义[财]现金不足;[计]现金支出;英英释义 cash out v.choose a simpler life style after questioning personal and c...
详细解释take it or leave itv.要么接受要么放弃;英英释义 Take It or Leave It*Take It Or Leave It commentary write-up以上来源于:Wi...
详细解释smockedadj.(衣服上面有)刺绣的;英英释义 smock[ smkt ]n.a loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles同义...
详细解释bed-wettingn.尿床;遗尿;英英释义 bed-wetting[ 'bed,weti ]n.enuresis during sleep; especially common in children (who us...
详细解释all things consideredadv.全面地考虑;英英释义 All Things ConsideredAll Things Considered is a news program on the Americ...
详细解释far behindprep.与…相差很远;英英释义 Far Behind"Far Behind"is a previously unreleased composition from the veteran punk...
详细解释Anti-Semiten.反犹分子;英英释义 Anti-Semite[ ,nti'si:mait ]n.someone who hates and would persecute Jews同义词:Jew-baite...
详细解释give it up释义放弃;英英释义 Give It UpGive It Up is an album by American jazz saxophonist Jimmy Lyons recorded in 1985 ...
详细解释appositiveadj.同位格的;n.同位格字;英英释义 appositive[ 'pzitiv ]adj.relating to or being in apposition"an appositive n...
详细解释riffn.反复乐节;即兴重复段;里弗族;v.反复演奏即兴段; 变形 复数:riffs 英英释义 riff[ rif ]n.a Berber living in norther...
详细解释critical mass释义临界物质;英英释义 critical mass n.the minimum amount (of something) required to start or maintain a ve...
详细解释litigatorn.诉讼律师; 变形 复数:litigators 英英释义 litigator[ 'litigeit ]n.(law) a party to a lawsuit; someone involve...
详细解释revenue stream释义[经] 收益源; 变形 复数:revenue streams 英英释义 Revenue streamA revenue stream is a form of revenue....
详细解释hypervisorn.(系统)管理程序;英英释义 HypervisorIn computing, a hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a piece ...
详细解释riddledadj.布满的;充斥的;泛滥的;v.解谜,出谜题(riddle的过去分词形式);英英释义 riddled[ 'ridld ]adj.(often followed b...
详细解释Ethiopianadj.埃塞俄比亚的,黑人的;n.埃塞俄比亚人,黑人; 变形 复数:Ethiopians 英英释义 Ethiopian[ ,i:i'upin ]n.a nativ...
详细解释self-destructiveadj.自毁的;英英释义 self-destructive[ ,selfdi'strktiv ]adj.dangerous to yourself or your interests同义词...
详细解释black hat释义黑帽子;坏人;为非作歹的电脑黑客;英英释义 Black hatA black hat is a film's villain or bad guy, especially ...
详细解释take the stand释义出庭作证,为…担保;英英释义 take the stand v.give testimony in a court of law同义词:testifyattestbea...
详细解释transcodev.转换…的代码,把一种代码转换成另一种代码;英英释义 TranscodeTranscode is a direct digital-to-digital data con...
详细解释disbarvt.取消律师出庭的资格;英英释义 disbar[ dis'b: ]v.remove from the bar; expel from the practice of law by official ...
详细解释brainwaven.脑波,灵机; 变形 复数:brainwaves 英英释义 brainwave[ 'breinweiv ]n.(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of ...