共 197 个单词
纸牌屋-House-of-Cards相关的的单词有【scuttle away】【second-guess】【camp on】【Semitic】【sharp edge】【panelling】【Parsee】【accident-prone】【skivvy】【choirboy】【bad blood】【take heed of】【take the reins】【Talbot】【civil service】【make no sense】【deconsecrate】【Photostat】【coal face】【cockup】【Raj】【mayfly】【gaffer】【tikka】【haul up】【Merseyside】【mews】【potboiler】【lancastrian】【in the view of】【indelicacy】【toecap】【here and now】【omerta】【bob up and down】【mohair】【on the trail】【on one's feet】【way off】【floodlit】等。
second-guessv.事后劝告,预言; 变形 过去式:second-guessed过去分词:second-guessed现在分词:second-guessing第三人称单数:...
详细解释Semitic释义闪语;英英释义 Semitic[ si'mitik; se- ]n.a major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language familyadj.of or relating...
详细解释panellingn.镶板,板条;栅栏;画板、板画;仪器盘 变形 复数:panellings 英英释义 panelling[ 'pnli ]n.a panel or section of...
详细解释accident-proneadj.易出事故的,(因性格特点等)易惹事故的;英英释义 accident-prone[ 'ksidnt,prun ]adj.having more than th...
详细解释choirboyn.(唱诗班的)少年歌者; 变形 复数:choirboys 英英释义 choirboy[ 'kwaibi ]n.a boy who sings in a choir
详细解释bad blood释义厌恶感;英英释义 bad blood n.a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility同义词:animosityanimus
详细解释civil servicen.文职,行政事务;英英释义 civil service n.government workers; usually hired on the basis of competitive ex...
详细解释deconsecratevt.使不圣洁,把…改作俗用;英英释义 deconsecratev.remove the consecration from a person or an object同义词:...
详细解释Photostatn.直接复印件,直接复印机;vt.复印照片; 变形 复数:photostats 英英释义 Photostat[ 'futstt ]n.a photocopy made o...
详细解释coal facen.因开采而露出的煤面,煤的采掘现场;英英释义 coal face n.the part of a coal seam that is being cut同义词:coalf...
详细解释cockupn.翘起的顶端,前端翘起的帽;前翘帽;英英释义 cockup[ 'kkp ]n.something badly botched or muddled同义词:ballupballs...
详细解释mayflyn.蜉蝣类,飞蝼蛄; 变形 复数:mayflies 英英释义 mayfly[ 'meiflai ]n.slender insect with delicate membranous wings ...
详细解释gaffern.老人,乡下老头,领班; 变形 复数:gaffers 英英释义 gaffer[ 'f ]n.an elderly man同义词:old-timeroldtimerold geez...
详细解释haul up释义拖起;迫使(某人)出庭受审;传讯(某人)到庭;停止英英释义 haul up v.come to a halt after driving somewhere同...
详细解释Merseysiden.默西塞德郡(英国英格兰郡名);英英释义 MerseysideMerseyside is a metropolitan county in North West England, ...
详细解释potboilern.为混饭吃而粗制滥造的文艺作品,粗制作品作家(或画家); 变形 复数:potboilers 英英释义 potboiler[ 'pt,bil ]n.a...
详细解释lancastrianadj.兰卡斯特王室的,兰开斯特城的,兰开斯特人的;英英释义 lancastrian[ l'kstrin ]n.a member (or supporter) of ...
详细解释indelicacyn.粗俗; 变形 复数:indelicacies 英英释义 indelicacy[ in'deliksi ]n.the trait of being indelicate and offensiv...
详细解释toecapn.鞋尖装饰,鞋头; 变形 复数:toecaps 英英释义 toecap[ 'tukp ]n.a protective leather or steel cover for the toe of...
详细解释here and now释义当前, 此刻;就此;此时此地;英英释义 here and now n.at this time同义词:present momentmoment
详细解释omertan.拒绝作证(黑手党徒的一种行为准则);英英释义 omerta[ ,um'ta: ]n.a code of silence practiced by the Mafia; a refu...
详细解释mohairn.马海毛,安哥拉山羊毛,马海毛织物;adj.马海毛制的;英英释义 mohair[ 'muh ]n.fabric made with yarn made from the s...
详细解释on the trail释义寻找,找到嗅迹[线索];英英释义 On the TrailOn the Trail is the sixth album by saxophonist Jimmy Heath fe...