共 667 个单词
salahn.(伊斯兰教)礼拜;英英释义 salah[ s'l: ]n.the second pillar of Islam is prayer; a prescribed liturgy performed fi...
详细解释sarawakn.沙捞越(马来西亚的一邦);英英释义 sarawak[ s'r:wk; -w:k ]n.a region of Malaysia on northwestern Borneo
详细解释salford释义索尔福德(英国英格兰西北部港市);英英释义 SalfordSalford were a British speedway team from Salford that comp...
详细解释scotian.凹形边饰;英英释义 ScotiaScotia is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释schillern.(紫苏辉石等的)青铜光泽;英英释义 schiller[ 'il ]n.German romantic writer (1759-1805)同义词:Johann Christoph...
详细解释calcuttan.加尔各答,印度东北部的港市;英英释义 calcutta[ kl'kt ]n.the largest city in India and one of the largest citie...
详细解释cannibalisev.吃同类的肉;拆用…的配件;调拨…的人员;吃人肉英英释义 cannibalise[ 'kniblaiz ]v.eat human flesh同义词:can...
详细解释shambolicadj.大混乱的;英英释义 shambolic[ m'blik ]adj.(British slang) disorderly or chaotic"it's a shambolic system"
详细解释shipownern.船主; 变形 复数:shipowners 英英释义 shipowner[ 'ip,un ]n.someone who owns a ship or a share in a ship
详细解释palmyran.扇叶树头榈;英英释义 palmyra[ pl'mair ]n.tall fan palm of Africa and India and Malaysia yielding a hard wood an...
详细解释panditn.博学家,梵学家;英英释义 PanditA pandit or pundit (Sanskrit: [paṇḍita or paṇḍit) is a scholar and a teacher,...
详细解释cavendishn.(一种压成饼状的)板烟,烟草饼;英英释义 cavendish[ 'kvndi ]n.British chemist and physicist who established t...
详细解释centrismn.中间路线,中间派的政策,温和主义;英英释义 centrism[ 'sentrizm ]n.a political philosophy of avoiding the extre...
详细解释partin.合适的婚姻对象,(结婚的)理想配偶;英英释义 PartiParti is a Hungarian surname. Notable people with the surname i...
详细解释characterisationn.描述,人物之创造;英英释义 characterisation[ ,krktrai'zein, -ri'z- ]n.a graphic or vivid verbal descri...
详细解释chancellorshipn.长官的职位或任期;英英释义 chancellorship[ 'ta:nslip ]n.the office of chancellor
详细解释cheerleadingn.带领啦啦队;英英释义 cheerlead[ 'ti,li:di ]v.act as a cheerleader in a sports event
详细解释cheltenham释义切尔滕纳姆(英国英格兰西南部城市);英英释义 CheltenhamCheltenham is a display typeface, designed in 1896 ...
详细解释backgroundern.政府官员举行的记者招待会;英英释义 backgrounder[ 'bk,raund ]n.a press conference or interview in which a g...
详细解释badlandsn.(尤指北美的)荒原,岩石嶙峋之地;英英释义 badlands[ 'bdlndz ]n.deeply eroded barren landan eroded and barren ...
详细解释bambinon.(尤指意大利)小小孩,婴孩; 变形 复数:bambinosbambini 英英释义 bambino[ bm'bi:nu ]n.a young child同义词:todd...
详细解释banlieuen.郊区;英英释义 BanlieueIn Frenchexcluding Quebecois banlieue () means a suburb of a large city. In France comm...