共 1264 个单词
saddlebackn.鞍状峰,鞍形屋顶;英英释义 saddleback[ 'sdlbk ]n.a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is sh...
详细解释sandhurstn.英国陆军官校所在地;英英释义 SandhurstSandhurst commonly refers to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, near...
详细解释salan.大厅,起居室,接待室;娑罗树;英英释义 SalaFreshly renovated Sala in [[Wat Rajbopit, Bangkok]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释saintedadj.德高的,成为圣人的,上天堂的;英英释义 sainted[ 'seintid ]adj.marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitt...
详细解释sarasota释义萨拉索塔(美国佛罗里达州西部城市);英英释义 sarasota[ ,sr'sut ]n.a town in west central Florida on the Gulf...
详细解释sarkn.衬衣,内衣;浴盆;柜子;英英释义 SARKSusan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (born 1954), known by her pen name SARK, is an Am...
详细解释Sardinian.撒丁岛(意大利在地中海的一个岛),撒丁区(意大利一自治区);英英释义 Sardinia[ s:'dinj ]n.the Italian region o...
详细解释saxen.撒克逊蓝(一种染料),蛋白照相纸;英英释义 saxe[ s:ks ]n.a French marshal who distinguished himself in the War of ...
详细解释scramjetn.超音速冲压喷射装置;英英释义 ScramjetA scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) is a variant of a ramjet airbre...
详细解释schrodn.(尤指已去骨切片供烹调用的)鳕鱼的幼鱼;英英释义 schrodn.flesh of young Atlantic cod weighing up to 2 pounds; al...
详细解释scribblern.潦草写字的人,三流作家,小文人; 变形 复数:scribblers 英英释义 scribbler[ 'skribl ]n.informal terms for jour...
详细解释sebastopol释义塞瓦斯托波尔(克里米亚半岛西南岸港市);英英释义 sebastopol[ si'bstpul ]n.a city in southern Ukraine on th...
详细解释cablevisionn.有线电视;英英释义 CablevisionThis is about the Mexican cable television system operator for other uses ple...
详细解释caledonian.苏格兰之古时或诗中的别名;英英释义 caledonia[ ,kli'dunj ]n.the geographical area (in Roman times) north of th...
详细解释campon.(南美洲的)草原; 变形 复数:campos 英英释义 CampoVila de So Martinho do Campo is an important town in the munic...
详细解释caidn.酋长,伊斯兰教法官或市政官员;英英释义 CaidCaid () is the name given to various ancient and traditional Irish foot...
详细解释Caledonianadj.古苏格兰的,苏格兰的;n.古苏格兰人,苏格兰人;英英释义 CaledonianCaledonian is a geographical term used to...
详细解释semiconductingadj.半导体的,有半导体特性的;英英释义 semiconducting[ ,semikn'dkti, ,semai- ]adj.having characteristics o...
详细解释canvassern.检票员,游说者,推销员; 变形 复数:canvassers 英英释义 canvasser[ 'knvs ]n.a petitioner who solicits contrib...
详细解释cannibalisev.吃同类的肉;拆用…的配件;调拨…的人员;吃人肉英英释义 cannibalise[ 'kniblaiz ]v.eat human flesh同义词:can...
详细解释shalomint.您好;英英释义 ShalomThe third Rabbis’ Sons album contained the only Sephardic melody they would ever record ...
详细解释shangn.商(中国古朝代名);英英释义 shang[ ]n.the imperial dynasty ruling China from about the 18th to the 12th centuri...
详细解释painterlyadj.美术的;英英释义 painterly[ 'peintli ]adj.having qualities unique to the art of painting
详细解释palaun.钯金,金钯合金;英英释义 palau[ p:'lau ]n.a republic in the western central Pacific Ocean in association with the...
详细解释castilianadj.位于西班牙的,古代王国的;n.西班牙人[语];英英释义 castilian[ k'stiljn ]n.the Spanish language as spoken in...