共 1264 个单词
cattlemann.牧场主人,牧牛者; 变形 复数:cattlemen 英英释义 cattleman[ 'ktlmn ]n.a man who raises (or tends) cattle同义词...
详细解释caudillon.(西班牙语系国家的)元首,领袖;英英释义 CaudilloCaudillo is a documentary film by Spanish film director Basil...
详细解释shivan.七日服丧期;英英释义 shiva[ 'i:v ]n.(Judaism) a period of seven days of mourning after the death of close relativ...
详细解释sheratonn.(英国细木工)谢拉顿家具式样;adj.谢拉顿风格的,谢拉顿式的;英英释义 sheraton[ 'ert()n ]n.a furniture style th...
详细解释shipmann.船员,船长;英英释义 ShipmanShipman is a 2002 ITV television drama film, about the life and crimes of serial ki...
详细解释shortyn.矮子,特别短的东西(尤指衣,裤); 变形 复数:shorties 英英释义 Shorty"Shorty (You Keep Playin' with My Mind)"is...
详细解释panhellenicadj.泛希腊的,全大学校友会的;英英释义 panhellenic[ ,pnhe'li:nik ]adj.of or relating to all the Greeks同义词:...
详细解释shopfrontn.店面,店堂;英英释义 shopfront[ 'pfrnt ]n.the front side of a store facing the street; usually contains displ...
详细解释Papuanadj.巴布亚的,巴布亚人的;n.巴布亚人,巴布亚语;英英释义 Papuan[ 'ppjun ]n.any of the indigenous languages spoken ...
详细解释caviaren.(俄式)鱼子酱;英英释义 caviare[ ,kvia: ]n.salted roe of sturgeon or other large fish; usually served as an ho...
详细解释parochialismn.教区制度;地方观念,眼界狭小;英英释义 parochialism[ p'rukjlizm ]n.a limitation of views or interests like...
详细解释ceuta释义休达(摩洛哥北部港市);英英释义 CeutaCeuta is a Spanish autonomous city located to the south of the Strait of ...
详细解释abbn.横丝,纬纱,劣质羊毛;粗次毛;英英释义 abb[ b ]n.an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in t...
详细解释abayan.毛织物,(阿拉伯式)长袍;英英释义 abaya[ 'b:j:, 'beij ]n.(Arabic) a loose black robe from head to toe; tradition...
详细解释signallyadv.显著地,显眼地;英英释义 signally[ 'sinli ]adv.as a signal"a term that is used signally rather than symbolic...
详细解释sidin.(印度和东非的)埃塞俄比亚人,黑人;英英释义 SIDISIDI is an Italian company founded in 1960 by its current founder...
详细解释silvanadj.森林的,生活在森林中的;n.森林中的人(或动物),森林之神;英英释义 silvan[ 'silvn ]n.a spirit that lives in or...
详细解释partonn.部分子(一种带电小粒子);英英释义 PartonIn particle physics, the parton model was proposed at Cambridge Univers...
详细解释patriarchaten.主教的职位、任期、管区等,族长政治;英英释义 patriarchate[ 'peitri:kit ]n.the jurisdiction of a patriarcha...
详细解释sinhalan.僧伽罗语;英英释义 sinhala[ 'sinhl ]n.the Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka同义词:SinhaleseSing...
详细解释patna释义巴特那(印度东北部城市)(比哈尔邦首府);英英释义 PatnaPatna, or Patnagarh, was a princely state in India, wit...
详细解释paxn.圣像牌,接吻礼,和平女神;int.(学生用语)别打了;英英释义 pax[ pks ]n.(Roman Catholic Church) a greeting signifyin...
详细解释peaceablyadv.息事宁人地;和平地,温和地;英英释义 peaceably[ 'pi:sbli ]adv.in a peaceable manner"the tenant paying the r...
详细解释chancelleryn.大臣; 变形 复数:chancelleries 英英释义 chancellery[ 't:nslri, 'tn- ]n.a government building housing the o...
详细解释chicon.藜科灌木;英英释义 chico[ 'ti:ku ]n.United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures togethe...
详细解释Cheyennen.夏安族(人); 变形 复数:Cheyennes 英英释义 Cheyenne[ an, -n ]n.the capital and largest city of Wyoming; loca...
详细解释backhandedadj.(恭维话)讽刺挖苦的;假惺惺的;(网球等运动)反手击球的;用反手的英英释义 backhanded[ 'bk'hndid ]adj.(of ...