共 23 个单词
美国总统及夫人的演讲相关的的单词有【honoree】【Live coverage】【fainthearted】【cast over】【drag into】【ask of】【dig into】【uttermost】【shrink from】【back on someone's feet】【uninitiated】【go forth】【dive into】【scrape by】【go broke】【senor】【pore over】【unbound】【speak for】【cast off】【belabor】【at odds】【at issue】等。
honoreen.领奖人,主宾;英英释义 honoree[ ,n'ri: ]n.a recipient of honors in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments
详细解释faintheartedadj.懦弱的,胆小的,无精神的;英英释义 fainthearted[ 'feint'h:tid ]adj.lacking conviction or boldness or cou...
详细解释dig into释义挖掘;把…戳进…;调查;刻苦钻研英英释义 dig into v.examine physically with or as if with a probe同义词:pro...
详细解释uttermostn.极端,最大限度;英英释义 uttermost[ 'tmust ]n.the greatest possible degree同义词:utmostmaximumlevel bestadj....
详细解释shrink from释义因害怕而避开;憷;英英释义 shrink from v.avoid (one's assigned duties)同义词:fiddleshirkgoldbrick
详细解释uninitiatedadj.外行的,缺少经验的;英英释义 uninitiated[ ,ni'niieitid ]adj.not initiated; deficient in relevant experien...
详细解释go forth释义行军, 旅行;发布;英英释义 go forth v.go away from a place同义词:leavego awaycome out of同义词:issueemerg...
详细解释scrape by释义靠…勉强度日;英英释义 scrape by v.manage one's existence barely同义词:scrape alongscratch alongsqueak bys...
详细解释senorn.先生,绅士; 变形 复数:senorssenores 英英释义 senor[ se'nj: ]n.a Spanish title or form of address for a man; sim...
详细解释unboundadj.无束缚的;不负有义务的;v.解开,解放( unbind的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 unbound[ ,n'baund ]adj.not secured...
详细解释cast off释义脱下;解开;摆脱;抛弃英英释义 cast off v.get rid of同义词:shedcastshake offthrowthrow offthrow awaydropmak...
详细解释at oddsadv.争执,不一致;英英释义 at odds adj.in disagreement同义词:conflictingcontradictoryself-contradictory