共 1644 个单词
hookern.渔船;妓女; 变形 复数:hookers 英英释义 hooker[ 'huk ]n.United States general in the Union Army who was defeate...
详细解释clunkyadj.粗笨的;笨重的;英英释义 clunky[ 'klki ]adj.lacking grace in movement or posture同义词:gawkyclumsyungainlyunw...
详细解释psychon.精神病患者;精神分析;adj.神智不正常的;发疯的; 变形 复数:psychos 英英释义 psycho[ 'psaiku ]n.a person afflict...
详细解释teensyadj.很小的,小小的;英英释义 teensy[ 'ti:nsi ]adj.(used informally) very small同义词:bittybittieteentsyteenyweewe...
详细解释pantyn.童裤,女裤; 变形 复数:panties 英英释义 panty[ 'pnti ]n.short underpants for women or children (usually used in ...
详细解释scrabblevi.乱摸;扒寻; 变形 过去式:scrabbled过去分词:scrabbled现在分词:scrabbling第三人称单数:scrabbles 英英释义 sc...
详细解释nuttyadj.多坚果的,产坚果的;坚果般的;古怪的,狂热的,发疯的;英英释义 nutty[ 'nti ]adj.having the flavor of nuts"a nut...
详细解释bobcatn.美洲野猫,山猫之类; 变形 复数:bobcats 英英释义 bobcat[ 'bbkt ]n.small lynx of North America同义词:bay lynxLyn...
详细解释monoclen.单片眼镜; 变形 复数:monocles 英英释义 monocle[ 'mnkl ]n.lens for correcting defective vision in one eye; held...
详细解释ridiculouslyadv.可笑地,荒谬地;英英释义 ridiculously[ ri'dikjulsli ]adv.so as to arouse or deserve laughter同义词:laug...
详细解释sudsn.肥皂水,泡沫,啤酒;v.在肥皂水中洗,形成起泡肥皂水;英英释义 suds[ sdz ]n.the froth produced by soaps or detergent...
详细解释grownup释义成人;英英释义 grownup[ 'run,p ]n.a fully developed person from maturity onward同义词:adultadj.(of animals) ...
详细解释pantsuitn.长裤与衣相配成套的便服;英英释义 Pantsuit[[Hillary Clinton wearing a pantsuit as she is sworn in as Senator.]]...
详细解释chandlern.船用杂货商(经售绳索、帆布及其他船用物品的商人);英英释义 chandler[ 't:ndl ]n.United States writer of detecti...
详细解释supremelyadv.极其,极为;英英释义 supremely[ su:'pri:mli ]adv.to the maximum degree"he was supremely confident"
详细解释gummyadj.胶粘的;粘性的;含有树胶的;(脚踝或腿)肿的英英释义 gummy[ 'mi ]adj.having the sticky properties of an adhesiv...
详细解释daadv.是,是的;英英释义 da[ d: ]n.an official prosecutor for a judicial district同义词:district attorney
详细解释chunkyadj.矮胖的;粗短的;厚实的;英英释义 chunky[ 'tki ]adj.like or containing small sticky lumps"the dumplings were ch...
详细解释uncoordinatedadj.不协调的;英英释义 uncoordinated[ ,nku':dineitid ]adj.lacking in cooperative planning and organization"...
详细解释galn.女孩,少女; 变形 复数:gals 英英释义 gal[ l ]n.United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters同义词:...