共 20 个单词
考研单词故事接龙英语一二均适用相关的的单词有【paragrapher】【account to】【darg】【coinstantaneous】【falshlight】【All at sea】【mele】【harmonical】【mentalism】【englander】【boomlet】【applicative】【brooklet】【mammy】【melodica】【thus far】【until now】【seminate】【fresh out】【high sea】等。
paragraphern.短评记者;英英释义 paragrapher[ 'prgrf ]n.a writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page ...
详细解释dargn.一天的工作;英英释义 DargDarg is a town in northern Tajikistan.Maplandia It is located in Sughd province.以上来源于...
详细解释All at sean.茫然不知,迷惑;瞠目结舌;英英释义 All at SeaAll at Sea is a 1977 Australian TV movie about a group of misfi...
详细解释melen.夏威夷歌曲(或旋律);英英释义 MeleMele are chants, songs or poems. The term comes from the Hawaiian language.以上...
详细解释harmonicaladj.调和的,音乐般的;英英释义 harmonical[ h:'mnikl ]adj.involving or characterized by harmony同义词:consonan...
详细解释mentalismn.心灵主义;英英释义 mentalism[ 'mentlizm ]n.(philosophy) a doctrine that mind is the true reality and that obj...
详细解释applicativeadj.可适用的,合用的;英英释义 applicative[ 'plikeitiv, 'pliktiv ]adj.readily applicable or practical同义词:...
详细解释mammyn.妈妈(用于英国部分地区);妈妈; 变形 复数:mammies 英英释义 mammy[ 'mmi ]n.an offensive term for a Black nursema...
详细解释melodican.口风琴(一种小型管乐器,类似口琴,但有钢琴一样的键盘);英英释义 MelodicaMelodica is the seventh studio album ...
详细解释thus far释义迄今;迄今为止;到目前为止;到这点为止英英释义 thus far adv.used in negative statement to describe a situati...
详细解释until now释义到现在为止,迄今;英英释义 until now adv.used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existe...