共 81 个单词
考研英语二历年真题词汇掌中宝相关的的单词有【saleroom】【above average】【be born of】【be grounded in】【be unlikely to】【deil】【rate as】【best known】【commom sense】【stem form】【large quantities of】【bn】【on one level】【on a budget】【well educated】【give to】【armed force】【homebuyer】【qualify as】【drive back】【work against】【unremarked】【frame work】【jet fuel】【local authorities】【exposed to】【European Commission】【old hat】【Proxy statement】【Secretary of State】【high risk】【at the height of】【card reader】【a collection of】【stepping stone】【weight loss】【far off】【a dozen】【a sequence of】【will power】等。
saleroomn.拍卖场,售货处; 变形 复数:salerooms 英英释义 saleroom[ 'seilru(:)m ]n.an area where merchandise (such as car...
详细解释deiln.恶魔; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]魔鬼 the most powerful evil spirit, in the Christian religion[C]家伙,人 a person 英英释义...
详细解释well educated释义[医]受良好教育;英英释义 well educated adj.highly educated; having extensive information or understandi...
详细解释drive back释义驾车返回,驱车返回;迫使后退;逐退;却英英释义 drive back v.force or drive back同义词:repelrepulsefight o...
详细解释frame work释义构架,框架;英英释义 frame work n.a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process同义词:modelth...
详细解释local authoritiesn.地方当局,地方政权( local authority的名词复数 );英英释义 local authority n.an administrative unit of...
详细解释old hatadj.旧式的,陈腐的;英英释义 old hat adj.repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse同义词:banalcommonplace...
详细解释Proxy statement释义股东签署的委托书;英英释义 Proxy statementA proxy statement is a statement required of a firm when so...
详细解释Secretary of State释义国务卿;英英释义 Secretary of State n.the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of ...
详细解释high risk释义高危;英英释义 high risk adj.not financially safe or secure同义词:badriskyhigh-riskspeculative
详细解释card reader释义卡片阅读机,读卡机;英英释义 Card readerA card reader is a data input device that reads data from a card-...
详细解释stepping stonen.垫脚石,跳板; 变形 复数:stepping stones 英英释义 stepping stone n.a stone in a marsh or shallow water ...
详细解释weight loss释义重量减轻,失重;干耗;英英释义 Weight lossWeight loss is a reduction of the total body mass in an individ...
详细解释will powern.意志力,自制力,毅力;英英释义 will power n.the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior同义词:sel...