共 69 个单词
考研英语高频2000词相关的的单词有【access road】【be available to】【masty】【concede to】【electronical】【election campaign】【in view】【incorporate with】【stock price】【leave out of account】【on short notice】【bother to】【interprovincial】【trust fund】【professionalize】【bury one's head in the sand】【at the top of one's lungs】【back-and-forth】【restrain from】【military intelligence】【panel discussion】【the Lower House】【on the level】【concern oneself with】【in a rage】【mutual benefit】【the State Council】【self-contradictory】【confer on】【retreat from】【undistracted】【prejudice against】【confirm in】【creationist】【lean towards】【silver bullet】【oppose to】【fold into】【run against】【for my part】等。
access roadn.(高速公路的)交流道,公路支线通路; 变形 复数:access roads 英英释义 access road n.a short road giving acc...
详细解释mastyn.危险的东西,危险的人;adj.肮脏的,讨人厌的,不易解决的;英英释义 MastyMasty (literal English translation: fun) is...
详细解释in view释义已提出的,计划好的;英英释义 In ViewIn View is a Canadian cultural current affairs television series which ai...
详细解释professionalizev.使专业化; 变形 过去式:professionalized过去分词:professionalized现在分词:professionalizing第三人称单...
详细解释back-and-forthna.来回地网络向后再向前;反复地;来回的 英英释义 back-and-forthadv.moving from one place to another and ba...
详细解释military intelligence释义军事情报;英英释义 military intelligence n.an agency of the armed forces that obtains and analy...
详细解释panel discussionn.小组讨论;合议;英英释义 panel discussion n.discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of p...
详细解释self-contradictoryadj.自相矛盾的;英英释义 self-contradictory[ 'self,kntr'diktri ]adj.seemingly contradictory but noneth...
详细解释silver bulletn.喻指新技术,尤指人们寄予厚望的某种新科技;英英释义 silver bullet n.a simple guaranteed solution for a dif...