共 41 个单词
自考物流英语相关的的单词有【a batch of】【be discharged】【stor】【Customs House】【customs clearance】【letter of credit】【sellable】【kathy】【timberland】【teu】【sav】【aborted】【bosun】【first mate】【Not Found】【chief mate】【JIT】【pentium】【handheld】【collapsible】【motor car】【what a pity】【stevedore】【just in time】【supply chain】【product line】【forwarder】【spark plug】【personal computer】【be derived from】【eatable】【conduce】【fan belt】【containerization】【hong】【monterey】【packing list】【airway bill】【underprice】【a case in point】等。
storabbr.storage 储藏;保管;库存;stored 贮藏的英英释义 StorStor, real name Ulises Infante Azocar, born 1987 is a Swedi...
详细解释Customs Housen.海关;英英释义 Customs House n.a government building where customs are collected and where ships are clea...
详细解释letter of creditn.(银行发行的)信用证; 变形 复数:letters of credit 英英释义 letter of credit n.a document issued by a...
详细解释sellableadj.适于销售的;英英释义 sellable[ 'selbl ]adj.fit to be offered for sale同义词:marketablemerchantablevendablev...
详细解释timberlandn.森林地;英英释义 timberland[ 'timblnd ]n.land that is covered with trees and shrubs同义词:forestwoodlandtim...
详细解释bosunn.商船甲板长,水手长; 变形 复数:bosuns 英英释义 bosun[ 'busn ]n.a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls t...
详细解释first maten.(海军)大副;英英释义 first mate n.the officer below the master on a commercial ship同义词:mate
详细解释chief mate释义大副;英英释义 Chief mateA Chief Mate (C/M) or Chief Officer, usually also synonymous with the First Mate ...
详细解释JITabbr.jitney bus 五分钱公共汽车;just in time 及时,适时;英英释义 JitJit is a Zimbabwean film made in 1990. It is dir...
详细解释pentiumn.奔腾处理器;英英释义 PentiumPentium is a brand used for a series of x86-compatible microprocessors produced by ...
详细解释handheldadj. 掌上型;手持型 英英释义 handheld[ hnd,held ]adj.small and light enough to be operated while you hold it in ...
详细解释collapsibleadj.可折叠的,可拆卸的;英英释义 collapsible[ k'lpsbl ]adj.capable of collapsing or being collapsed"a collaps...
详细解释motor carn.摩托车;un.汽车;电动机车; 变形 复数:motor cars 英英释义 motor car n.a motor vehicle with four wheels; usua...
详细解释stevedoren.码头装卸工人,搬运工;vi.装载货物;vt.装卸; 变形 复数:stevedores过去式:stevedored过去分词:stevedored现在分...
详细解释just in time释义正好;可好;分秒不差;英英释义 just in time adv.at the last possible moment同义词:in the nick of time
详细解释supply chainn.供应链;英英释义 Supply chainA supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information,...
详细解释product linen.生产线; 变形 复数:product lines 英英释义 product line n.a particular kind of product or merchandise同义词...
详细解释spark plugvt.激励,倡导;n.(事业的)领导者,火花塞; 变形 复数:spark plugs 英英释义 spark plug n.electrical device tha...
详细解释personal computern.个人电脑; 变形 复数:personal computers 英英释义 personal computer n.a small digital computer based ...
详细解释eatableadj.可以吃的;n.食物,食品;英英释义 eatable[ 'i:tbl ]n.any substance that can be used as food同义词:comestiblee...
详细解释fan beltn.风扇皮带; 变形 复数:fan belts 英英释义 fan belt n.a belt driven by the crankshaft that drives a fan that pul...
详细解释containerizationn.货柜运输;英英释义 ContainerizationContainerization is a system of intermodal freight transport using ...
详细解释underpricevt.使定价太低; 以低价与…竞争;英英释义 underprice[ ,nd'prais ]v.sell at artificially low prices同义词:dump