共 32 个单词
自考英语二下册全部词汇相关的的单词有【belong in】【make request for】【it goes without saying that】【be affected with】【in between】【at a stretch】【bring over】【opt out】【debate on】【supposed to】【blame for】【on average】【in existence】【be deserving of】【make a difference to】【speculation about】【protect from】【a good deal of】【be sensitive to】【have no idea】【distinguish from】【protect against】【in this case】【make a guess at】【course of action】【as a rule】【swallow up】【in unison】【at a disadvantage】【when it comes to】【be worth doing】【under the circumstances】等。
in betweenadv.在中间;英英释义 in between adj.being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series同义词:in-betwee...
详细解释opt out释义[计]撤退;英英释义 opt out v.choose not to do something, as out of fear of failing同义词:cop out
详细解释in existence释义存在;英英释义 In ExistenceIn Existence is an album by English New Age musician Phil Sawyer under the ar...
详细解释course of action释义做法,行动过程,一连串行动;英英释义 course of action n.a mode of action同义词:course
详细解释swallow upv.吞并;侵吞;耗光;吞没英英释义 swallow up v.enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing同义词:immers...
详细解释in unison释义一致地,和谐地;齐声;一齐;英英释义 in unison adv.speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously同义...
详细解释under the circumstances释义在这种情况下;事到如今;英英释义 under the circumstances adv.because of prevailing conditions