共 39 个单词
英语新世纪版高中二年级第一学期相关的的单词有【big-ticket】【be hooked on】【expand someone's horizons】【at someone's mercy】【get something for free】【out of curiosity】【physical well-being】【odd jobs】【at the turn of】【double-check】【catch someone off guard】【be with someone】【draught beer】【lunch break】【ring true】【beyond repair】【TV special】【unequalled】【in someone's prime】【in a second】【the medals table】【tea ceremony】【flavourful】【by the dozen】【to one's name】【indoor sports】【will power】【merchandiser】【direct mail】【bring to an end】【per head】【to a great extent】【the Olympics】【track and field】【weight lifting】【time-honoured】【all-around】【continental shelf】【break new ground】等。
big-ticketadj.高价的;大额花销的;英英释义 big-ticket[ 'bi'tikit ]adj.very expensive"big-ticket items like cars and furs...
详细解释double-checkv.复核; 变形 过去式:double-checked过去分词:double-checked现在分词:double-checking第三人称单数:double-ch...
详细解释unequalledadj.无比的,无双的;绝伦;英英释义 unequalled[ n'i:kwld ]adj.radically distinctive and without equal同义词:al...
详细解释tea ceremony释义茶道;茶艺;英英释义 tea ceremony n.an ancient ritual for preparing and serving and drinking tea同义词:...
详细解释flavourfuladj.味浓的;有香味的;可口的;美味的英英释义 flavourful[ 'fleivful ]adj.full of flavor同义词:flavorfulflavoro...
详细解释indoor sports释义[医]室内运动;英英释义 Indoor SportsIndoor Sports is a computer game developed by DesignStar's SportTim...
详细解释will powern.意志力,自制力,毅力;英英释义 will power n.the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior同义词:sel...
详细解释merchandisern.商人; 变形 复数:merchandisers 英英释义 merchandiser[ 'm:tndaiz ]n.a businessperson engaged in retail tra...
详细解释direct mailn.直接邮件,直接邮寄广告;英英释义 direct mail n.advertising sent directly to prospective customers via the m...
详细解释to a great extent释义很大程度上,非常;英英释义 to a great extent adv.to a considerable degree同义词:heavily
详细解释the Olympics释义奥林匹克运动会;英英释义 The OlympicsThe Olympics were an American doo-wop group, formed in 1957 by lead...
详细解释track and fieldn.田径,田径赛;英英释义 track and field n.participating in athletic sports performed on a running track ...
详细解释weight liftingn.举重;英英释义 weight lifting n.bodybuilding by exercise that involves lifting weights同义词:weightlift...
详细解释time-honouredadj.因古老而受到尊重的,确立已久的;由来已久;英英释义 time-honoured[ 'taim,nd ]adj.honored because of age ...
详细解释all-aroundadj.全面的,综合性的;英英释义 all-around[ ':l,raund ]adj.many-sided"an all-around athlete"同义词:all-round(a...
详细解释continental shelfn.大陆架;英英释义 continental shelf n.the relatively shallow (up to 200 meters) seabed surrounding a c...