共 68 个单词
荒野猎人The-Revenant相关的的单词有【shitless】【half breed】【topknot】【out there】【press down】【leadman】【wolves】【rigger】【grig】【tarred】【get paid】【revenant】【godforsaken】【stinking】【left out】【hold still】【be afraid to】【stick up】【charged】【sacrament】【wander around】【move along】【lay up】【burn out】【scalp】【a swarm of】【hold off】【run off】【whop】【bleeding】【delirious】【elk】【beat up】【help someone out】【Libra】【bale】【glass】【hung】【reef】【swelling】等。
shitlessadv.极度,非常;英英释义 shitless[ 'itlis ]adj.extremely frightened"he was scared shitless"
详细解释half breed英英释义 half breed n.half-caste offspring of parents of different races (especially of white and American Ind...
详细解释topknotn.头饰,鸟的冠毛,顶髻; 变形 复数:topknots 英英释义 topknot[ 'tpnt ]n.headdress consisting of a decorative ribb...
详细解释out there释义向那边,到战场;英英释义 Out ThereOut There was a short-lived science fiction television program broadcast ...
详细解释leadmann.工头,工长;锤手;英英释义 LeadmanA leadman is a Set Decoration department member who is responsible for the pr...
详细解释wolvesn.贪婪者,色狼,狼(wolf的复数);狼( wolf的名词复数 );英英释义 wolf[ wulvz, 'wulvz ]n.any of various predatory car...
详细解释riggern.索具装配人,机身装配员,暗中操纵者;脚手架;英英释义 rigger[ 'ri ]n.someone who rigs shipsa long slender pointed...
详细解释grign.爽朗的人,轻松愉快的人;英英释义 GrigIn the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the grig is a Fey. They ...
详细解释tarredadj.涂了焦油的;英英释义 tar[ t:d ]n.any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue同义词:pitc...
详细解释revenantn.归来者;英英释义 revenant[ 'revinnt, rv'n ]n.a person who returns after a lengthy absencesomeone who has retur...
详细解释godforsakenadj.荒芜的,凄凉的;英英释义 godforsaken[ 'df,seikn ]adj.located in a dismal or remote area; desolate"a godfo...
详细解释stinkingadj.臭的,烂醉的,讨厌的;v.散发出恶臭( stink的现在分词 );发臭味;名声臭;糟透英英释义 stinking[ 'stiki ]adj.ve...
详细解释left out释义遗漏;忽略;英英释义 Left OutLeft Out was a Chicago, Illinois Christian punk band that was active from 1995 ...
详细解释stick up释义竖起;噘;撅;英英释义 stick up n.robbery at gunpoint同义词:armed robberyheistholdupstickupv.rob at gunpoin...
详细解释chargedadj.充满感情的;紧张的,可能引起激烈反应的;v.填充;英英释义 charged[ t:dd ]adj.of a particle or body or system; ...
详细解释sacramentn.(天主教的)圣事;圣礼;神圣的东西;庄严的誓言 变形 复数:sacraments 英英释义 sacrament[ 'skrmnt ]n.a formal ...
详细解释lay up释义放置不用;贮存;储蓄;使(某人)待在床上或室内英英释义 lay up n.a basketball shot made with one hand from a po...
详细解释burn outv.烧坏,烧掉,烧尽;燃尽;英英释义 burn out v.melt, break, or become otherwise unusable同义词:blow outblow
详细解释hold off释义拖延;抵抗;抗拒;使…疏远英英释义 hold off v.resist and fight to a standoffwait before acting同义词:waitho...
详细解释run off释义(使)流掉;减轻体重;偷走;流失英英释义 run off n.the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the ...
详细解释deliriousadj.精神混乱的;非常激动的;极兴奋的,发狂的;神不守舍英英释义 delirious[ di'liris ]adj.experiencing delirium同...
详细解释elkn.麋鹿; 变形 复数:elkselk 英英释义 elk[ elk ]n.large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; cal...
详细解释beat up释义搅拌;搅匀(某物);痛殴;毒打(某人)英英释义 beat up v.give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a...
详细解释Libran.天秤座;磅(重量单位);镑;出生于天秤宫时段的人 变形 复数:Libras 英英释义 Libra[ 'laibr, 'li:- ]n.(astrology) a...
详细解释hungv.悬( hang的过去式和过去分词 );(被)绞死;贴;逗留英英释义 hung[ h ]adj.(usually followed by `with' or used in a c...