共 22 个单词
pseudocode释义伪代码;英英释义 PseudocodePseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of ...
详细解释cryptanalysisn.密码分析学,密码翻译法;英英释义 cryptanalysis[ ,kript'nlisis ]n.the science of analyzing and deciphering...
详细解释ellipticadj.椭圆的;省略的;英英释义 elliptic[ i'liptik,-kl ]adj.of a leaf shape; in the form of an ellipserounded like ...
详细解释cardinalityn.基数;英英释义 cardinality[ ,k:di'nlti ]n.(mathematics) the number of elements in a set or group (considere...
详细解释polymorphicadj.多形的,多态的,多形态的;多晶形;英英释义 polymorphic[ ,pli'm:fik ]adj.relating to the crystallization o...
详细解释ellipsoidn.椭圆体;椭球;椭圆面;英英释义 ellipsoid[ i'lipsid ]n.a surface whose plane sections are all ellipses or circ...
详细解释bipartiteadj.双向的;英英释义 bipartite[ ,bai'p:tait ]adj.divided into two portions almost to the baseinvolving two part...
详细解释digraphn.两字母发一音,连字;英英释义 digraph[ 'dair:f, -rf ]n.two successive letters (especially two letters used to re...
详细解释cryptologyn.密码研究,密码术;英英释义 cryptology[ krip'tldi ]n.the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphe...
详细解释compartvt.分隔; 变形 过去式:comparted过去分词:comparted现在分词:comparting第三人称单数:comparts 英英释义 compart[ k...
详细解释schedulern.调度程序,日程安排程序;英英释义 scheduler[ 'edju:l, -du:-, 'skedu:-, -du- ]n.computer hardware that arranges...
详细解释splittern.劈的人,分裂机;分流器;英英释义 splitter[ 'split ]n.a worker who splits fish and removes the backbonea taxono...
详细解释conjunctiveadj.连接的;英英释义 conjunctive[ kn'dktiv ]n.an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or ph...
详细解释acyclicadj.非循环的,无环的,脂肪族的;非周期;英英释义 acyclic[ ei'saiklik ]adj.botany; not cyclic; especially having p...
详细解释unaryadj.一元的;英英释义 unary[ 'ju:nri ]adj.consisting of or involving a single element or component"in a unary operat...
详细解释radixn.根,基数; 变形 复数:radices 英英释义 radix[ 'reidiks ]n.(numeration system) the positive integer that is equiva...
详细解释intractabilityn.难驾驭,棘手;英英释义 intractability[ in,trkt'bilti ]n.the trait of being hard to influence or control同...
详细解释disjointv.(使)脱节,(使)解体,(使)脱臼;adj.不相交的;英英释义 disjointv.part; cease or break association with同义...