共 98 个单词
语言之谜The-Language-Myth相关的的单词有【a.k.a.】【parts of speech】【silverback】【perfective】【chutter】【snuff out】【clapham】【teachable】【phrenology】【pilferer】【pithily】【bertrand】【idiosyncracy】【anatolia】【in point of fact】【lateralize】【incommensurable】【hegelian】【copula】【controvertible】【primatology】【arcuate】【hominine】【hotch-potch】【hydrophone】【hyoid】【quechua】【vocalisation】【monogenesis】【yerkish】【unfalsifiable】【neuroanatomical】【knower】【Lombard】【externalise】【at a stroke】【austronesian】【austronesia】【Dominica】【unproven】等。
a.k.a.abbr.also known as又名…;也叫作…;英英释义 a.k.a.adv.as known or named at another time or place同义词:aliasalso...
详细解释silverbackn.银背大猩猩(指背部颈下方有银白色毛的雄性成年大猩猩);英英释义 silverback[ 'silvbk ]n.an adult male gorilla ...
详细解释perfectiveadj.完成的,完成式的;n.完成式;英英释义 perfective[ p'fektiv ]n.a tense of verbs used in describing action th...
详细解释snuff outv.扼杀,消灭,死掉;杀;消灭( 某人);熄灭(火焰)突然结束;英英释义 snuff out v.put an end to; kill同义词:ex...
详细解释clapham释义克拉彭(英国伦敦西南部一地区);英英释义 ClaphamClapham is a surname. Notable people with the surname include...
详细解释teachableadj.可教的,驯良的;英英释义 teachable[ 'ti:tbl ]adj.ready and willing to be taught"teachable youngsters"同义词...
详细解释phrenologyn.颅相学; 变形 复数:phrenologists 英英释义 phrenology[ fri'nldi ]n.a now abandoned study of the shape of sku...
详细解释pilferern.小偷;英英释义 pilferer[ 'pilfr ]n.a thief who steals without using violence同义词:sneak thiefsnitcher
详细解释pithilyadv.有力地,简洁地;英英释义 pithily[ 'piili ]adv.in a pithy sententious manner"she expressed herself pithily"同义...
详细解释bertrandn.伯特兰(男子名);英英释义 BertrandBetrand was the name of a defunct provincial electoral district in the prov...
详细解释anatolian.安纳托利亚(亚洲西部半岛小亚细亚的旧称);英英释义 anatolia[ ,n'tulj ]n.a peninsula in southwestern Asia that ...
详细解释in point of factadv.实际上;英英释义 in point of fact adv.in reality or actuality同义词:in factas a matter of fact
详细解释lateralizev.使向侧面;英英释义 lateralize[ 'ltrlaiz ]v.move or displace to one side so as to make lateral
详细解释incommensurableadj.不能比较的,不配比较的;英英释义 incommensurable[ ,ink'menrbl ]adj.impossible to measure or compare i...
详细解释hegelianadj.黑格尔的;n.黑格尔派哲学家;英英释义 hegelian[ hei'i:lin ]n.a follower of the thought of Hegeladj.of or rela...
详细解释copulan.系动词(如be,seem,appear等),(命题主词与谓词间的)连系; 变形 复数:copulas 英英释义 copula[ 'kpjul ]n.an equa...
详细解释primatologyn.灵长类动物学;英英释义 primatology[ ,praim'tldi ]n.the branch of zoology that studies primates
详细解释arcuateadj.弓形的;弓状;英英释义 arcuate[ ':kjuit, -eit,-eitid ]adj.forming or resembling an arch同义词:arcedarchedarc...
详细解释hotch-potchn.大杂烩;英英释义 hotch-potch[ 'htpt ]n.a motley assortment of things同义词:odds and endsoddmentsmelangefar...
详细解释hyoidadj.U字形的,舌骨的;n.舌骨;英英释义 hyoid[ 'haiid ]n.a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the ...
详细解释quechuan.盖丘亚族(南美印第安人的一大分支)盖丘亚族人(语);英英释义 quechua[ 'ketw; k'tu: ]n.a member of a South Ameri...
详细解释vocalisationn.发声法;英英释义 vocalisation[ ,vuklai'zein ]n.the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by ...
详细解释monogenesisn.一元发生说,单性生殖,单源论;英英释义 monogenesis[ ,mnu'denisis ]n.asexual reproduction by the production ...
详细解释neuroanatomicaladj.神经解剖学的;英英释义 neuroanatomical[ ,nuru'ntmikl ]adj.of or relating to neural tissue or the nerv...
详细解释Lombardn.(意大利)伦巴第族的人,银行家,放款者;英英释义 Lombard[ 'lmbd; 'lm- ]n.a member of a Germanic people who inva...
详细解释externalisevt.给…以外形,使客观化,使具体化;英英释义 externalise[ ik'st:nlaiz ]v.regard as objective同义词:projectext...
详细解释austronesian.奥斯特罗尼西亚(岛),南太平洋群岛;英英释义 austronesia[ ,stru'ni:; - ]n.islands of central and South Paci...
详细解释Dominica中文拼写:多米尼卡名字含义:Dominic的阴性名字来源:爱尔兰语名字类别:女 英英释义 Dominica[ ,dmi'ni:k ]n.a countr...