共 98 个单词
语言之谜The-Language-Myth相关的的单词有【infinitum】【ad infinitum】【Homo erectus】【ontogeny】【genitive】【a priori】【commensurable】【stereoscopic】【zinfandel】【aphasic】【carry around】【willy nilly】【mediaeval】【striatum】【ethology】【australopithecine】【evangelize】【Papua New Guinea】【foci】【musicology】【evangelise】【jutland】【bipedalism】【postposition】【browny】【Homo habilis】【round out】【homunculi】【ingram】【prima donna】【fall foul of】【hive off】【reduplicate】【single-handed】【first off】【tack on】【operandi】【nigh on】【homunculus】【gelada】等。
ad infinitumadv.无限;无休止地;反复地;英英释义 ad infinitum [ ,dinfi'naitm ]adv.to infinity; without or seemingly with...
详细解释Homo erectus释义直立人;英英释义 Homo erectus n.extinct species of primitive hominid with upright stature but small brai...
详细解释ontogenyn.个体发生,个体发生学; 变形 复数:ontogenies 英英释义 ontogeny[ n'tdini ]n.(biology) the process of an individ...
详细解释genitiven.所有格;adj.所有格的;英英释义 genitive[ 'denitiv ]n.the case expressing ownership同义词:genitive casepossess...
详细解释a prioriadj.& adv.推理的,演绎的推理地,演绎地;验前;先验;英英释义 a priori [ ,eiprai':rai, ,:pri:':ri ]adj.involving ...
详细解释commensurableadj.可以同单位度量的,能较量的;英英释义 commensurable[ k'menrbl ]adj.able to be measured by a common stand...
详细解释stereoscopicadj.实体镜的,有立体感的;英英释义 stereoscopic[ ,steriu'skpik, ,sti- ]adj.of or relating to a stereoscope"s...
详细解释zinfandeln.馨芳葡萄酒;英英释义 zinfandel[ 'zinfndel ]n.small black grape grown chiefly in California; transplanted from...
详细解释aphasicn. &adj.患失语症者失语症的;英英释义 aphasic[ 'feizik,-zik ]n.someone affected by aphasia or inability to use or ...
详细解释willy nilly英英释义 willy nilly adv.in a random manner同义词:randomlyindiscriminatelyhaphazardlywilly-nillyarbitrarilya...
详细解释mediaevaladj.中世纪的,中古时代的,中古风的;英英释义 mediaeval[ ,medi'i:vl, ,mi:- ]adj.relating to or belonging to the ...
详细解释striatum释义纹状体;英英释义 striatumn.a striped mass of white and grey matter located in front of the thalamus in each ...
详细解释ethologyn.动物行动学,道德体系学;英英释义 ethology[ i'ldi ]n.the branch of zoology that studies the behavior of animals...
详细解释australopithecinen.& adj.更新纪灵长动物(的);英英释义 australopithecine[ ,strlu'pisi:n ]n.any of several extinct human...
详细解释evangelizevt.传福音,使信基督教; 变形 过去式:evangelized过去分词:evangelized现在分词:evangelizing第三人称单数:evang...
详细解释Papua New Guinean.巴布亚新几内亚;释义[地名] [大洋洲] 巴布亚新几内亚;英英释义 Papua New Guinea n.a parliamentary democr...
详细解释musicologyn.音乐学;英英释义 musicology[ ,mju:zi'kldi ]n.the scholarly and scientific study of music
详细解释evangelisev.传福音,使信基督教;英英释义 evangelise[ i'vndlaiz ]v.preach the gospel (to)同义词:evangelizeconvert to Chr...
详细解释jutlandn.日德兰半岛(北欧的半岛);英英释义 jutland[ 'dtlnd ]n.peninsula in northern Europe that forms the continental p...
详细解释bipedalismn.用两足运动;英英释义 bipedalism[ 'baiped,lizm, ,baipi'dlti ]n.the bodily attribute of being bipedal; having ...
详细解释postpositionn.后置,后置词;英英释义 postposition[ 'pustp'zin ]n.(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element aft...
详细解释Homo habilis释义能人(能用手准确把握器物的早期人科成员);英英释义 Homo habilis n.extinct species of upright East Africa...
详细解释round out释义发胖,丰满起来;英英释义 round out v.fill out同义词:finish outmake bigger or better or more complete同义词...
详细解释prima donnan.歌剧中的女主角,首席女歌手; 变形 复数:prima donnas 英英释义 prima donna n.a vain and temperamental person...
详细解释hive off释义(蜜蜂)分群;英英释义 hive off v.remove from a group and make separatewithdraw (money) and move into a diff...
详细解释reduplicatev.重复;adj.重复的;英英释义 reduplicate[ ri'dju:plikeit, ri'dju:plikit, -keit ]v.form by reduplication"The c...
详细解释single-handedadj.单枪匹马的,无助的;适于单手使用的;单手的;adv.独自的;英英释义 single-handed[ 'sil'hndid ]adj.unsuppo...
详细解释first off释义马上,立刻;英英释义 first off adv.before anything else同义词:firstfirstlyforemostfirst of all
详细解释homunculusn.矮人,侏儒; 变形 复数:homunculi 英英释义 homunculus[ hu'mkjuls ]n.a person who is very small but who is no...