共 74 个单词
贝贝雅思听力场景词汇相关的的单词有【second language】【part exchange】【be enrolled in】【sports club】【easy listening】【diploma course】【research method】【lecture theater】【video surveillance】【domestic airport】【keep-fit】【loan period】【living quarters】【guest house】【dance studio】【goods to declare】【half board】【city centre】【boarding gate】【job fair】【reference number】【marketing campaign】【water wheel】【hunter-gatherer】【sense of smell】【kilocalorie】【interest rates】【water mill】【landsat】【grinding shop】【ocean floor】【wildlife reserve】【cause and effect】【honey bee】【good point】【HOUSEHOLD WASTE】【cereal crop】【deposit account】【fitness centre】【closed-circuit】等。
second languagen.第二语言; 变形 复数:second languages 英英释义 Second languageA second language or L2 is any language ...
详细解释part exchange释义(以旧换新)部分抵价交易(法);英英释义 Part exchangeA part exchange or part exchange deal is a type o...
详细解释sports club释义运动俱乐部;英英释义 Sports clubA sport club in [[Belo Horizonte, Brazil, showing various paved and paint...
详细解释easy listeningn.轻松的音乐;舒缓的音乐;英英释义 Easy Listeningis the first mini-album released by Japanese singer Maaya...
详细解释domestic airportn.国内机场;英英释义 Domestic airportOverview of [[Eilat Airport, Israel]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释keep-fitn.体操;英英释义 Keep FitKeep Fit is a 1937 British comedy film directed by Anthony Kimmins and starring George ...
详细解释living quarters释义住宅,住舱;宿舍;英英释义 living quarters n.housing available for people to live in同义词:quarters
详细解释guest housen.宾馆;招待所; 变形 复数:guest houses 英英释义 guest house n.a house separate from the main house; for hou...
详细解释dance studion.[体]舞蹈工作室; 变形 复数:dance studios 英英释义 Dance studioA dance studio is a space in which dancers ...
详细解释city centren.市中心;城市商业中心区; 变形 复数:city centres 英英释义 city centre n.the central part of a city同义词:c...
详细解释water wheeln.水轮; 变形 复数:water wheels 英英释义 water wheel n.a wheel with buckets attached to its rim; raises wate...
详细解释hunter-gatherern.(多指原始社会)依靠狩猎和采集生活的人; 变形 复数:hunter-gatherers 英英释义 hunter-gatherer[ 'hnt'r ]...
详细解释sense of smell释义嗅觉;英英释义 sense of smell n.the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents同义词:smellolfactio...
详细解释kilocalorien.大卡(热量单位);千卡;英英释义 kilocalorie[ 'kilu,klri ]n.a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat requ...
详细解释interest ratesn.利率( interest rate的名词复数 );英英释义 interest rate n.the percentage of a sum of money charged for i...
详细解释ocean floor释义海底;大洋底;英英释义 ocean floor n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean bottomseabedsea bottomDavy...
详细解释cause and effect释义因果;来龙去脉;英英释义 Cause and Effect"Cause and Effect"is the 16th episode and the season finale...
详细解释honey bee释义蜜蜂;英英释义 honey bee n.social bee often domesticated for the honey it produces同义词:honeybeeApis mell...
详细解释deposit accountn.有息存款,储蓄存款; 变形 复数:deposit accounts 英英释义 deposit account n.a savings account in which ...
详细解释closed-circuitadj.闭路式的;英英释义 closed-circuit[ 'kluzd,s:kit ]n.a complete electrical circuit around which current ...