共 122 个单词
超能陆战队相关的的单词有【take the edge off】【bacitracin】【annihilator】【yama】【chloric】【embrittle】【transubstantiate】【epidermal】【Get to the point】【break a leg】【code-name】【top-secret】【cease fire】【mochi】【smoke screen】【back on】【ride up】【pump up】【kabuki】【ninja】【carbide】【tungsten】【servo】【seal off】【fire up】【teleport】【hothead】【actuator】【buckle up】【kelvin】【destabilize】【heads up】【huggable】【hourglass】【thruster】【voila】【wasabi】【articulation】【tingly】【duct】等。
bacitracinn.杆菌肽,枯草杆菌抗生素;英英释义 bacitracin[ ,bsi'treisin ]n.a polypeptide antibiotic of known chemical stru...
详细解释embrittlev.使变脆; 变形 过去式:embrittled过去分词:embrittled现在分词:embrittling第三人称单数:embrittles 英英释义 em...
详细解释transubstantiatevt.使变质; 变形 过去式:transubstantiated过去分词:transubstantiated现在分词:transubstantiating第三人称...
详细解释epidermaladj.表皮的,外皮的;英英释义 epidermal[ ,epi'd:ml,-mik ]adj.of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula同义词:cuti...
详细解释break a leg释义祝好运;大获成功(用于祝愿演员演出成功);英英释义 Break a LegBreak a Leg is an independently created int...
详细解释code-namev.给与代号; 变形 过去式:code-named过去分词:code-named现在分词:code-naming第三人称单数:code-names 英英释义 ...
详细解释top-secretadj.极机密的;英英释义 top-secret[ 'tp'si:krit ]adj.the highest official level of classification of documents
详细解释cease fire释义停火;偃旗息鼓;英英释义 cease fire n.a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss pea...
详细解释mochin.糯米团(用糯米粉做的糕团);英英释义 MochiThere are three types of Mochi, a caste involved in profession as cobbl...
详细解释smoke screenn.烟幕;英英释义 smoke screen n.(military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements同义...
详细解释ninjan.(受过偷窃技术专门训练被雇作间谍或刺客的)日本武士;英英释义 ninjan.a member of the ninja who were trained in mar...
详细解释carbiden.碳化物;硬质合金;英英释义 carbiden.a binary compound of carbon with a more electropositive element
详细解释tungstenn.钨;英英释义 tungsten[ 'tstn ]n.a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrica...
详细解释servon.伺服,伺服系统;继动;英英释义 servo[ 's:vu ]n.control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one re...
详细解释seal offv.把…封锁起来;拆封;烫开;英英释义 seal off v.make tight; secure against leakage同义词:sealimpose a blockade ...
详细解释fire up释义点火;点燃;发动(机器);(使)突然生气英英释义 fire up v.arouse or excite feelings and passions同义词:infl...
详细解释hotheadn.急性子的人,鲁莽的人; 变形 复数:hotheads 英英释义 hothead[ 'hthed ]n.a belligerent grouch同义词:fire-eatera ...
详细解释actuatorn.激励者;[电脑]执行机构;[电](电磁铁)螺线管;[机]促动器英英释义 actuator[ 'ktjueit ]n.a mechanism that puts s...
详细解释destabilizevt.使打破平衡,使不稳定;使动摇; 变形 过去式:destabilized过去分词:destabilized现在分词:destabilizing第三人...
详细解释heads upint.小心! 当心!;英英释义 heads up n.a warning message同义词:heads-upadj.fully alert and watchful同义词:head...
详细解释hourglassn.沙漏; 变形 复数:hourglasses 英英释义 hourglass[ 'aul:s, -ls ]n.a sandglass that runs for sixty minutes
详细解释thrustern.向上钻营的人,推进器;英英释义 thruster[ 'rst ]n.one who intrudes or pushes himself forward同义词:pushera sma...
详细解释wasabin.(吃生鱼片沾用)山葵;英英释义 wasabin.a Japanese plant of the family Cruciferae with a thick green rootthe thic...
详细解释articulationn.清晰度,咬合,关节;发音;接合;英英释义 articulation[ :,tikju'lein ]n.the aspect of pronunciation that in...
详细解释tinglyadj.刺痛的;舒心的;惬意的;愉悦的; 双语释义v.(动词)vi. 有刺痛感 have a prickly feeling 英英释义 Tingly"Tingly"wa...