共 240 个单词
这个杀手不太冷-LéonThe-Professional相关的的单词有【cash】【take it】【dial】【root】【knot】【just a second】【step-by-step】【dirtbag】【fix it】【look black】【cursing】【figured】【screwed up】【slide off】【clear the way】【get a grip】【FUCK UP】【fucking】【weirdo】【fucker】【snuck】【sweetie】【special delivery】【flowing】【wildwood】【chill out】【fell off】【heavier】【piggy】【hear about】【well-done】【ruined】【shoot out】【come back】【shit】【headmistress】【basics】【be dying to】【armed】【catch a cold】等。
take it释义猜想,以为,断定;英英释义 Take ItTake It is an album by The Wallets. It sold 6,825 vinyl albums and 3,041 ca...
详细解释step-by-stepadj.按部就班的;按步;步进;英英释义 step-by-step[ 'stepbai'step ]adj.one thing at a time同义词:bit-by-biti...
详细解释cursingn.诅咒,逐出教会;英英释义 cursing[ 'k:si ]adj.who is uttering obscenities"arrested the flailing cursing old man"
详细解释figuredadj.以图形和数字表示的,华丽的;英英释义 figured[ 'fid ]adj.(of e.g. fabric design) adorned with patterns"my dres...
详细解释screwed upadj.困惑的;担忧的;神经质的;英英释义 Screwed UpScrewed Up is the third and final album by Queensbridge hip h...
详细解释get a grip释义(非正式)保持(或恢复)自控能力,控制住自己;英英释义 Get a GripGet a Grip was a television series shown ...
详细解释FUCK UP释义弄糟,毁坏;英英释义 FUCK UP n.someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence同义词:bunglerblundererfumb...
详细解释fuckingadj.该死的;非常的;低劣的;v.性交( fuck的现在分词);使受害;英英释义 fucking[ 'fki ]n.slang for sexual intercour...
详细解释weirdon.古怪的人,奇怪的人; 变形 复数:weirdos 英英释义 weirdo[ 'widu ]n.someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric同义词...
详细解释fuckern.傻瓜,笨蛋; 变形 复数:fuckers 英英释义 fucker[ 'fk ]n.someone who engages in sexual intercoursea stupid despis...
详细解释special deliveryn.邮件快递;快邮;英英释义 special delivery n.mail that is delivered by a special carrier (for an additi...
详细解释chill out释义冷静点=calm down;冷静下来;别紧张;放松一下。英英释义 chill out v.become quiet or calm, especially after a...
详细解释piggyn.小猪;adj.贪心的; 变形 复数:piggies 英英释义 piggyn.a young pig同义词:pigletshoatshoteadj.resembling swine; co...
详细解释well-doneadj.做得好的,完全煮熟的;int.好!做得好!;英英释义 well-done[ 'wel'dn ]adj.(meat) cooked until there is no pi...
详细解释ruinedadj.毁灭的;堕落的;破产的;v.破坏( ruin的过去式);毁掉;使破产;使沦落英英释义 ruined[ 'ruind, 'ru:- ]adj.destroy...
详细解释shoot out释义突然出击;从里边射出;迅速长出;用射击解决[结束]英英释义 shoot out n.a fight involving shooting small arms ...
详细解释come back释义回来;记起;强烈反驳;重复说英英释义 come back n.a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty ...
详细解释headmistressn.女校长; 变形 复数:headmistresses 英英释义 headmistress[ 'hed'mistris ]n.a woman headmaster
详细解释basicsn.基本因素,基本部分( basic的名词复数);基础;基本技术;基本原理英英释义 basics[ 'beisiks ]n.a statement of fundam...
详细解释armedadj.武装的;有把手的;有防卫器官的;v.“arm”的过去式和过去分词;英英释义 armed[ :md ]adj.(used of persons or the m...