共 31 个单词
tetragonaladj.四角形的;英英释义 tetragonal[ te'trnl ]adj.of or relating to or shaped like a quadrilateral
详细解释metallurgistn.冶金家,冶金学者; 变形 复数:metallurgists 英英释义 metallurgist[ me'tldist, 'metl:dist ]n.an engineer tr...
详细解释tribologyn.摩擦学;英英释义 tribology[ trai'bldi, tri- ]n.the branch of engineering that deals with the interaction of s...
详细解释carburizevt.给(铁)加碳;英英释义 carburize[ 'k:bjuraiz ]v.unite with carbon"carburize metal"同义词:carbonizecarbonise...
详细解释serrateadj.锯齿状的;英英释义 serrate[ 'serit, s'reit, 'sereit ]v.make saw-toothed or jag the edge of"serrate the edges ...
详细解释spectroscopen.分光镜; 变形 复数:spectroscopes 英英释义 spectroscope[ 'spektrskup ]n.an optical instrument for spectrog...
详细解释micrographn.显微图,显微照片;显微照相;英英释义 Micrograph100x light micrograph of [[Meissner's corpuscle at the tip of...
详细解释coarsenv.(使)变粗糙; 变形 过去式:coarsened过去分词:coarsened现在分词:coarsening第三人称单数:coarsens 英英释义 coa...
详细解释vizadv.即,就是;英英释义 VizViz is a popular British comic magazine which has been running since 1979.以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释supersaturationn.过度饱和;英英释义 SupersaturationEnormous, highly pure, single crystal substances can be grown from a ...
详细解释angularityn.有角,生硬成,角状; 变形 复数:angularities 英英释义 angularity[ ,ju'lrti ]n.a shape having one or more sha...
详细解释paramagneticadj.顺磁性的;英英释义 paramagnetic[ ,prm'netik ]adj.of or relating to a paramagnet
详细解释unhinderedadj.不受妨碍的,不受阻碍的;顺畅;英英释义 unhindered[ n'hindd ]adj.not slowed or blocked or interfered with同...
详细解释solid-stateadj.使用电晶体的,不用真空管的;英英释义 solid-state[ 'slid'steit ]n.the state in which a substance has no te...
详细解释dendriticadj.树枝状的;英英释义 dendritic[ den'dritik,-kl ]adj.(neuroscience) of or relating to or resembling a dendrite...
详细解释epsilonn.希腊语的第五个字母;英英释义 epsilon[ ep'sailn, 'epsiln ]n.the 5th letter of the Greek alphabet
详细解释situ释义[医]原位;英英释义 SituThe words situ and situs are Latin for "site"(or location). They also have other meanings...
详细解释clip-onadj.可用夹子夹住的;英英释义 clip-on[ 'klipn ]n.a device (as an earring, sunglasses, microphone etc.) that is att...
详细解释uni-pref.表示“单一”之义;英英释义 UNIUNI was a constructed language designed by Elisabeth Wainscott in 1973 as an inte...
详细解释adjacencyn.邻接; 变形 复数:adjacencies 英英释义 adjacency[ 'deisnsi ]n.the attribute of being so near as to be touchin...
详细解释isotropicadj.等方性的;迷向;英英释义 isotropic[ ,aisu'trpik ]adj.invariant with respect to direction同义词:isotropous
详细解释ferromagneticadj.铁磁的,铁磁体的;英英释义 ferromagnetic[ 'ferum'netik ]adj.relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism
详细解释metastableadj.亚稳的;英英释义 metastable[ ,met'steibl ]adj.(of physical systems) continuing in its present state of equ...