共 89 个单词
锐朗托福听力场景词汇相关的的单词有【seismic activity】【celestial sphere】【dairy farm】【clockwise direction】【speciology】【metamorphic rock】【continental island】【continental crust】【continental drift theory】【heat-wave】【heaver】【oceanic crust】【ocean bottom】【leafstalk】【geologic survey】【cosmic radiation】【cosmic rays】【natural wonder】【glacial period】【mountain slope】【frost heaving】【lower reaches】【astronomical observatory】【dwarf star】【tidal force】【quartzite】【volcano eruption】【space suit】【solar calendar】【polyandrous】【environmental science】【electronic engineering】【fieldstone】【energy source】【industrial sewage】【cultural relics】【coalification】【instrumental music】【brass band】【homotherm】等。
celestial spheren.天球(一个想像假设的无限大球体);天球仪;英英释义 celestial sphere n.the apparent surface of the imag...
详细解释metamorphic rock释义[化] 变质岩;英英释义 metamorphic rock n.rock altered by pressure and heat
详细解释continental crust释义陆壳;英英释义 Continental crustThe thickness of the Earth's crust (km).以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释heavern.举起者,举起物件的装置,挑夫;抬运工;杠杆;英英释义 heaver[ 'hi:v ]n.a bar used as a lever (as in twisting rope...
详细解释oceanic crust释义洋底壳;英英释义 Oceanic crustAge of oceanic crust. The red is most recent, and blue is the oldest.以上...
详细解释ocean bottom释义洋底;英英释义 ocean bottom n.the bottom of a sea or ocean同义词:ocean floorseabedsea bottomDavy Jones'...
详细解释leafstalkn.叶柄;英英释义 leafstalk[ 'li:fst:k ]n.the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf同义词:petiole
详细解释cosmic radiation释义宇宙辐射;英英释义 cosmic radiation n.radiation consisting of cosmic rays
详细解释cosmic raysn.宇宙线,宇宙射线;英英释义 cosmic ray n.highly penetrating ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin; c...
详细解释natural wonder英英释义 Natural WonderNatural Wonder is a live album by American musician Stevie Wonder, released in 1995...
详细解释glacial periodn.冰川时期;冰期;英英释义 glacial period n.any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part ...
详细解释frost heaving释义冰冻隆胀;霜拔;冻拔;冻胀英英释义 frost heaving n.upthrust of ground or pavement caused by the freezin...
详细解释dwarf starn.矮星;英英释义 Dwarf starThe term dwarf star refers to a variety of distinct classes of stars. The term was ...
详细解释tidal force释义潮力,潮汐力,引潮力;英英释义 Tidal forceThe tidal force is a secondary effect of the force of gravity a...
详细解释quartziten.石英岩,硅岩;英英释义 quartzite[ 'kw:tsait ]n.hard metamorphic rock consisting essentially of interlocking q...
详细解释space suitn.太空服; 变形 复数:space suits 英英释义 space suit n.a pressure suit worn by astronauts while in outer spac...
详细解释polyandrousadj.一妻多夫的,一雌多雄(配合)的;英英释义 polyandrous[ ,pli'ndrs ]adj.having more than one husband at a ti...
详细解释environmental science释义环境学;英英释义 environmental science n.the branch of biology concerned with the relations bet...
详细解释electronic engineeringn.电子工程学;英英释义 Electronic engineeringElectronics engineering, or electronic engineering, i...
详细解释fieldstonen.(依其天然形状而使用的)散石,大卵石;英英释义 fieldstone[ 'fi:ldstun ]n.stone that occurs naturally in fiel...
详细解释instrumental music释义器乐;英英释义 instrumental music n.music intended to be performed by a musical instrument or grou...
详细解释brass bandn.铜管乐队,军乐队; 变形 复数:brass bands 英英释义 brass band n.a group of musicians playing only brass and ...