共 82 个单词
锐朗雅思场景高频词汇1相关的的单词有【card index】【castiron】【check list】【charter flight】【childmind】【baby cot】【main stage】【date of expiry】【physical therapist】【thalassography】【demagnetize】【master of science】【master of arts】【planetology】【icerink】【communication engineering】【compulsory courses】【earn interest】【merchant bank】【laundry room】【blank cheque】【birth date】【gas cooker】【office work】【letter of acceptance】【blue collar】【watermill】【environmental pollution】【architectonics】【insect repellent】【surface soil】【rubber check】【out of circulation】【nill】【nuclear plant】【loan period】【dyed hair】【dust-storm】【eye doctor】【catering service】等。
card indexn.卡片索引; 变形 复数:card indexes 英英释义 card index n.an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a ...
详细解释check listn.核对表;英英释义 check list n.a list of items (names or tasks etc.) to be checked or consulted同义词:checkl...
详细解释main stage释义基本台;英英释义 Main stageMain stage theatre is that which falls between studio theatre and large-scale e...
详细解释physical therapistn.物理治疗家;英英释义 physical therapist n.therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises ...
详细解释demagnetizevt.消磁,使退磁;英英释义 demagnetize[ ,di:'mnitaiz ]v.erase (a magnetic storage device)同义词:demagnetisema...
详细解释master of science释义理科硕士;英英释义 master of science n.a master's degree in science同义词:MSSMMSc
详细解释master of artsn.文学硕士;英英释义 master of arts n.a master's degree in arts and sciences同义词:MAArtium MagisterAM
详细解释merchant bank释义商业银行; 变形 复数:merchant banks 英英释义 merchant bank n.a credit card processing bank; merchants ...
详细解释blank cheque释义空白支票; 变形 复数:blank cheques 英英释义 blank cheque n.a check that has been signed but with the am...
详细解释gas cookern.煤气炉,煤气灶;英英释义 gas cooker n.a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas同义词:gas ran...
详细解释blue collar释义蓝领(体力劳动者的上层);英英释义 blue collar adj.of or designating manual industrial work or workers同义...
详细解释watermilln.(尤指河旁的)水力磨; 变形 复数:watermills 英英释义 WatermillWatermill is a ballet by New York City Ballet ...
详细解释architectonicsn.建筑学,结构设计;英英释义 architectonics[ ,:kitk'tniks ]n.the science of architecture同义词:tectonics
详细解释insect repellentn.杀虫剂;英英释义 insect repellent n.a chemical substance that repels insects同义词:insectifugeinsect ...
详细解释surface soiln.(用于农耕的)地面土壤,表土;英英释义 surface soil n.the layer of soil on the surface同义词:topsoil
详细解释dust-storm尘暴 英英释义 dust-stormn.a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand同义词:dust stormdustersandstormsir...
详细解释eye doctor释义眼科专家;英英释义 eye doctor n.a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye同义词...