共 18 个单词
雅思作文一般所需词汇分类记忆相关的的单词有【power grid】【cultural assimilation】【gender equality】【family values】【information overload】【social sciences】【violate the law】【liberal studies】【cultural identity】【exploit natural resources】【the authorities】【ethnic minorities】【cultural diversity】【time-honoured】【surveillance camera】【local resident】【mutual understanding】【poverty alleviation】等。
power grid释义电力网;电网;英英释义 power grid n.a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distribut...
详细解释cultural assimilation释义文化训练;英英释义 Cultural assimilationCultural assimilation is the process by which a person ...
详细解释family values释义家庭价值观;英英释义 Family Values"Family Values"(alternate title: "Happy Family") is an eighth-season ...
详细解释information overload释义信息过载;信息过多;英英释义 Information OverloadInformation Overload is an album by Alien Sex F...
详细解释social sciencesn.社会科学( social science的名词复数 );英英释义 social science n.the branch of science that studies soci...
详细解释cultural identity释义文化认同;英英释义 Cultural identityCultural identity is the identity of a group or culture, or of ...
详细解释cultural diversity释义文化多样性;英英释义 Cultural diversityCultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different c...
详细解释time-honouredadj.因古老而受到尊重的,确立已久的;由来已久;英英释义 time-honoured[ 'taim,nd ]adj.honored because of age ...
详细解释mutual understanding释义[法] 互相谅解;英英释义 mutual understanding n.sympathy of each person for the other同义词:mutu...