共 204 个单词
雅思写作精选词汇相关的的单词有【see an upward trend】【self-contemptuous】【sense of alienation】【car emissions】【shift in】【a sense of fulfillment】【a single-sex school】【a resurgence in popularity】【charged with】【people from all walks of life】【social creature】【soar to】【social mores】【be in stark contrast with】【be of the opinion that】【demanding job】【in inverse proportion to】【rehabilitate prisoner】【contributive】【core curriculum】【unadvised】【flexile】【modern world】【preserve someone's integrity】【fluctuate between something and something】【light pollution】【over the following days】【over the long haul】【critical juncture】【unhealthy diet】【cultural mosaic】【unspoken rule】【newsworthy event】【excessive workload】【gone are the days when】【extravagant lifestyle】【distort the truth】【pressing problem】【psychological soundness】【drainage system】等。
contributiveadj.贡献的,出资的,有助的;英英释义 contributive[ kn'tribjutiv ]adj.tending to bring about; being partly re...
详细解释core curriculum释义基础[核心]课程;英英释义 Core CurriculumThe Core Curriculum was originally developed as the main curr...
详细解释unadvisedadj.不审慎的;轻率的;未曾受到劝告的;未经商量的英英释义 unadvised[ ,nd'vaizd ]adj.without careful prior delibe...
详细解释flexileadj.易弯曲的;柔韧的;灵活的;可变通的英英释义 flexile[ 'fleksail ]adj.able to flex; able to bend easily同义词:f...
详细解释modern world英英释义 modern world n.the circumstances and ideas of the present age同义词:modern timespresent timesconte...
详细解释light pollution释义光污染;英英释义 Light pollutionLight pollution, also known as photopollution or luminous pollution, ...
详细解释cultural mosaic释义文化马赛克;英英释义 Cultural mosaic"Cultural mosaic"() is the mix of ethnic groups, languages and cu...
详细解释unspoken rule英英释义 Unspoken ruleUnspoken rules are behavioral constraints imposed in organizations or societies that ...
详细解释drainage system释义排水系统;英英释义 drainage system n.a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water