共 36 个单词
雅思听力学术场景词汇相关的的单词有【back issues】【demagnetise】【field research】【Open University】【honorary degree】【night school】【registration form】【independent school】【orientation meeting】【polyandrous】【neolithic period】【medical service】【cable modem】【technical school】【day school】【staff room】【rock salt】【Spiral notebook】【pop test】【open admission】【vocational education】【personal statement】【tertiary education】【secondary education】【homotherm】【energy conservation】【suborder】【ultraviolet radiation】【main hall】【ptarmigan】【parasitic animal】【excretory system】【call slip】【current issues】【interlibrary】【learn by rote】等。
demagnetisevt.消磁,使退磁;英英释义 demagnetise[ ,di:'mnitaiz ]v.erase (a magnetic storage device)同义词:demagnetizema...
详细解释field research释义实际教学,现场调查研究;英英释义 Field researchField research or fieldwork is the collection of inform...
详细解释Open Universityun.开放大学;英英释义 Open University n.a British university that is open to people without formal academ...
详细解释honorary degree英英释义 honorary degree n.a degree conferred to honor the recipient同义词:honoris causa
详细解释night schooln.夜校;英英释义 night school n.a school that holds classes in the evenings for students who cannot attend d...
详细解释independent school释义(英国的)私立学校;英英释义 Independent schoolAn independent school is a school that is independe...
详细解释polyandrousadj.一妻多夫的,一雌多雄(配合)的;英英释义 polyandrous[ ,pli'ndrs ]adj.having more than one husband at a ti...
详细解释cable modem释义线缆调制解调器;英英释义 Cable modemA cable modem is a type of network bridge and modem that provides bi-...
详细解释technical school释义工业学校;英英释义 technical school n.a school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the appli...
详细解释day schooln.日校,无宿舍学校,走读学校; 变形 复数:day schools 英英释义 day school n.a private school taking day studen...
详细解释staff room释义教研室;英英释义 Staff roomA staff room (more commonly known as a teacher's lounge or faculty lounge in th...
详细解释rock saltn.岩盐,石盐;矿盐;英英释义 rock salt n.naturally occurring crystalline sodium chloride同义词:halite
详细解释vocational educationn.职业教育;英英释义 vocational education n.training for a specific vocation in industry or agricult...
详细解释tertiary education释义高等教育;英英释义 Tertiary educationStudents attend a lecture at a tertiary institution.以上来源于...
详细解释secondary education释义中等教育;英英释义 secondary education n.education beyond the elementary grades; provided by a hi...
详细解释homothermn.恒温动物;英英释义 homotherm[ 'hum:m ]n.an animal that has a body temperature that is relatively constant and...
详细解释energy conservation释义能源节约,能量守恒[不灭];节能;英英释义 Energy conservationEnergy conservation refers to reducin...
详细解释subordern.亚目;英英释义 suborder[ 'sb,:d, sb':- ]n.(biology) taxonomic group that is a subdivision of an order
详细解释ultraviolet radiationn.紫外线;紫外辐射;英英释义 ultraviolet radiation n.radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave...
详细解释main hall释义[法]正厅;英英释义 Main HallMain hall is the term used in English for the building within a Japanese Buddhi...
详细解释ptarmigann.松鸡类; 变形 复数:ptarmigan 英英释义 ptarmigan[ 't:min ]n.large arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered ...
详细解释excretory system释义排泄系统;英英释义 Excretory systemThe excretory system is a passive biological system that removes ...