共 157 个单词
雅思王陆听力语料库Chapter5相关的的单词有【card catalog】【card index】【a period of time】【tapescript】【mailing list】【advanced degree】【date of expiry】【Decayed teeth】【coffee machine】【bed sheet】【Family medical history】【membership fee】【communication technology】【Common residence】【computer model】【in circles】【health check】【financial policy】【financial affairs】【field method】【financial market】【Fine texture】【large scale】【garden tools】【general health】【Fire blanket】【fitness level】【fitness club】【lecture theater】【energy industry】【geographic location】【apple juice】【football match】【arm badge】【Instant coffee】【human beings】【housing agency】【hothouse effect】【king-sized】【local tribe】等。
card catalogn.(图书馆专用的)卡片目录;卡片式目录;英英释义 card catalog n.a library catalog in which each publication ...
详细解释card indexn.卡片索引; 变形 复数:card indexes 英英释义 card index n.an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a ...
详细解释mailing list释义邮件发送清单;发函清单; 变形 复数:mailing lists 英英释义 mailing list n.a list of names and addresses ...
详细解释bed sheet释义褥单;英英释义 bed sheet n.bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used...
详细解释health check释义正常检查;英英释义 health check n.a thorough physical examination; includes a variety of tests depending...
详细解释financial market释义金融市场;英英释义 Financial marketA financial market is a market in which people and entities can t...
详细解释large scale释义大尺度;英英释义 large scale adj.unusually large in scope同义词:large-scaleconstructed or drawn to a big...
详细解释energy industry释义能源工业;英英释义 Energy industryThe energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involv...
详细解释Instant coffeen.即溶咖啡;英英释义 Instant CoffeeInstant Coffee is a Canadian artist collective based in Vancouver and T...
详细解释human beingsn.人类( human being的名词复数 );英英释义 human beings n.all of the living human inhabitants of the earth同义...