共 73 个单词
listedadj.列入文物保护名册的;登记上市的;英英释义 listed[ 'listid ]adj.on a listofficially entered in a roll or list同义...
详细解释staffingn.安置职工;人员配备;v.staff为…配置(的现在分词);英英释义 staff[ 'sta:fi ]n.personnel who assist their super...
详细解释interdependencen.互相依赖;互赖;英英释义 interdependence[ ,intdi'pendns,-dnsi ]n.a reciprocal relation between interdep...
详细解释authorizedadj.权威认可的,审定的,经授权的;v.授权,批准,委托( authorize的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 authorized[ ':ra...
详细解释levelingn.水准测量;矫平;英英释义 leveling[ 'levli ]n.changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently slopin...
详细解释distributedadj.分布式的;v.分配( distribute的过去式和过去分词);散发;分销;[常用被动语态]将…分类(into)英英释义 distrib...
详细解释elaborationn.精心制作(或计划);精致;详尽(阐述);精心完成的东西 变形 复数:elaborations 英英释义 elaboration[ i,lb'r...
详细解释lowestadj.最低的,最底下的,最小的;英英释义 lowest[ 'luist ]adj.lowest in rank or importance同义词:lastlast-placeadv.i...
详细解释facilitationn.简易化,助长;英英释义 facilitation[ fsili'tein ]n.the condition of being made easy (or easier)"social fac...
详细解释templaten.样板;模板;型板; 变形 复数:templates 英英释义 templaten.a model or standard for making comparisons同义词:t...
详细解释milestonen.里程碑;划时代事件; 变形 复数:milestones 英英释义 milestone[ 'mailstun ]n.stone post at side of a road to s...
详细解释urgencyn.紧迫;急迫;急事;紧要 变形 复数:urgencies 英英释义 urgency[ ':dnsi ]n.the state of being urgent; an earnest a...
详细解释processedadj.加工过的,经加工的;v.加工( process的过去式和过去分词 );处理;审阅;审核英英释义 processedadj.subjected to...
详细解释glossaryn.(书尾的)词汇表,难词汇编; 变形 复数:glossaries 英英释义 glossary[ 'lsri ]n.an alphabetical list of technic...
详细解释mappingv.映射,绘制…的地图,计划;测图;测绘;英英释义 mapping[ 'mpi ]n.a function such that for every element of one s...
详细解释orientedadj.导向的;以…为方向的;定向的;定方向英英释义 oriented[ ':rientid, 'u- ]adj.adjusted or located in relation t...
详细解释developedadj.先进的;发达的(国家或地区);英英释义 developed[ di'velpid ]adj.being changed over time so as to be e.g. s...
详细解释performingadj.表演的,履行的;v.执行( perform的现在分词 );履行;表演;扮演英英释义 performing[ p'f:mi ]n.the performanc...
详细解释timelyadj.适时的;及时的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)及时的,适时的 happening at exactly the right time 英英释义 timely[ 'taim...