共 256 个单词
风电专用词汇机械部分相关的的单词有【send back】【anemoscope】【heavy-duty】【onshore】【open-end】【life line】【SW】【wire rope】【for purpose】【mankey】【anemometer】【slogging】【gride】【verticality】【heavy metal】【nacelle】【multimeter】【vernier】【manky】【nipper】【guaranteed】【counterweight】【ammeter】【absorber】【hanging】【feller】【nigger】【hank】【vise】【jigger】【pothook】【manually】【tong】【toolkit】【manhole】【contained】【hex】【vacuole】【sealant】【exposed】等。
send back释义归还;遣送;英英释义 send back v.refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court ...
详细解释anemoscopen.风速仪;英英释义 AnemoscopeAn anemoscope is a device invented to show the direction of the wind, or to foret...
详细解释heavy-dutyadj.重型的,重载的;耐用的;关税重的;强功率英英释义 heavy-duty[ 'hevi'dju:ti ]adj.designed for heavy work"a h...
详细解释onshoreadj.海岸的;在岸上的;在近岸处的;朝着岸的英英释义 onshore[ 'n': ]adj.(of winds) coming from the sea toward the l...
详细解释life linen.救生索;(潜水员的)信号绳;升降索;重要的交通线(通讯联络线)英英释义 life line n.a crease on the palm; its ...
详细解释SWabbr.switch 转换;software 软件;sea water 海水;switching 开关英英释义 SWn.the compass point midway between south and...
详细解释anemometern.风速计;英英释义 anemometer[ ,ni'mmit ]n.a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind同义词:wind g...
详细解释verticalityn.垂直性,垂直状态;垂直度;英英释义 verticality[ ,v:ti'kliti ]n.position at right angles to the horizon同义词...
详细解释heavy metaln.重金属,强敌; 变形 复数:heavy metals 英英释义 heavy metal n.a metal of relatively high density (specific ...
详细解释nacellen.飞机的引擎机舱,飞机的驾驶员室,气球吊篮;英英释义 nacelle[ n'sel, n- ]n.a streamlined enclosure for an aircraf...
详细解释multimetern.万用表;英英释义 MultimeterA multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an electr...
详细解释verniern.游尺,游标,游标尺;英英释义 vernier[ 'v:ni ]n.a small movable scale that slides along a main scale; the small ...
详细解释nippern.小孩(尤指男孩);看风门工;送钻头工;钳板英英释义 nipper[ 'nip ]n.a young person of either sex同义词:childkidy...
详细解释guaranteedv.担保(guarantee的过去式和过去分词);adj.有保证的;有人担保的;英英释义 guaranteed[ 'grn'ti:d ]adj.secured by ...
详细解释counterweightn.平衡物,称锤,平衡力; 变形 复数:counterweights过去式:counterweighted现在分词:counterweighting第三人称...
详细解释ammetern.电表;电流表;英英释义 ammeter[ 'mit ]n.a meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes
详细解释absorbern.吸收者,吸收体,减震器;吸收器;吸收剂;减振器英英释义 absorber[ b's:b ]n.(physics) material in a nuclear reac...
详细解释fellern.男朋友;英英释义 feller[ 'fel ]n.a person who fells trees同义词:lumbermanlumberjackloggerfallera boy or man同义...
详细解释niggern.黑鬼(蔑称);下层人; 变形 复数:niggers 英英释义 nigger[ 'ni ]n.(ethnic slur) extremely offensive name for a B...
详细解释jiggern.计量杯;小玩意;盘车;小帆船 变形 复数:jiggers 英英释义 jigger[ 'di ]n.a small glass adequate to hold a single ...
详细解释pothookn.S形锅钩,挂钩,书法潦草;铁颈圈;英英释义 pothook[ 'pthuk ]n.an S-shaped hook to suspend a pot over a fire
详细解释manholen.人孔,检修孔;探孔;入孔;进人孔 变形 复数:manholes 英英释义 manhole[ 'mnhul ]n.a hole (usually with a flush c...
详细解释containedv.控制( contain的过去式和过去分词 );克制;牵制;包含英英释义 contained[ kn'teind ]adj.controlled"striking with...
详细解释vacuolen.空泡,液泡;英英释义 vacuole[ 'vkjuul ]n.a tiny cavity filled with fluid in the cytoplasm of a cell
详细解释sealantn.密封剂; 变形 复数:sealants 英英释义 sealant[ 'si:lnt ]n.a kind of sealing material that is used to form a har...